6. Insert the USB/RS485 converter into the USB port. Windows® should recognize it and load the correct driver for the converter. Once this is done, the USB converter is ready to use.Windows® 2K 1. Download the driver file according to the “Download appropriate driver” instructions ...
usb转rs485电脑版驱动中还含有安装教程,在安装前可以先看看使用说明再安装。将USB转换线插入电脑的USB接口中,系统会提示检测到新设备并出现新硬件添加向导,选择从列表或指定位置安装,手动安装,找到刚才驱动的解压目录,让WINDOWS自动搜索更新驱动即可。 usb转rs485软件功能 1、支持的操作系统Windows2000/Windows XP 2、...
全新原装SparkFun BOB-09822 USB to RS-485 Converter开发板模块 BOB-09822 13 SparkFun 包装 632313 ¥380.0000元1~-- 个 深圳博瑞图电子科技有限公司 3年 -- 立即订购 查看电话 QQ联系 TI/德州仪器 集成电路、处理器、微控制器 TUSB3410VF USB 接口集成电路 RS232/IrDA Ser-to-USB ConverterT...
The converters draw power from the USB port, so no power supply is required (USB cable included).Ensure Secure Communication No special software is required to control the RS-485 converter. The driver is automatically enabled when the converter is plugged into the RDU101 card. The USB485I use...
The 101-0020 USB to RS-485 Converter provides a simple, low cost interface between a PC or laptop with a USB port, and 2-wire RS-485 devices. Universal Serial Bus (USB) drivers make this converter compatible with most software developed for RS-232 serial port interfaces because it appears...
USB-485B has a DB9 male connector on the RS485 port, and a USB type A female on the USB port. The adapter is powered from the USB port and no external power is needed. USB cable, terminal block, and drivers are included in the package. This converter operates from 300 to 1 mbp...
usb转串口驱动专题由绿网小整理分享,不管你的计算机是32位或64位都可以下载合适的驱动程序,比如unitek usb转串口驱动、PL2303 USB转串口驱动等,感兴趣的可以看一看。 usb转串口是什么意思 USB转串口即实现计算机USB接口到通用串口之间的转换。为没有串口的计算机提供快速的通道,而且,使用USB转串口设备等于将传统的串口...
converter转换器 spring converter转换器usb转485接线驱动,不少家庭,或多或少都有一些闲置的数码产品,很多时候不用,也只是放在某个角落,甚至有时候因没地方放,干脆当作“废品”给买了!特别是一些老式的台式机设备,二手市场的回收价钱可能都不是太理想,如果冲动的就
USB To RS485 converter allows PC users to connect their RS-485 devices to systems that use USB interface. By attaching the converter to a PC, it will no longer be necessary to open the chassis or turn off the PC to install the hub. With the converter, ...
SP3070EEN-L/TR 集成电路、处理器、微控制器 MaxLinear, Inc. RS-422/RS-485 接口 IC RS485/RS422 Driver/ Receiver TransceiverSP3070EEN-L/TR 9755 MaxLinear,Inc. 14-SOIC 21+ ¥2.9620元>=10 个 深圳市德凯源科技有限公司 3年 查看下载 ...