With science backing every product, Dr Myron Wentz sparked a new era of cellular nutrition. Learn more about the mission and values that led the healthiest family on earth to the top of the nutrition and supplement industry.
USANA葆婴公司从未授权任何第三方在任何渠道、互联网平台(包括但不限于淘宝、微店、京东、拼多多等)以及实体店内销售USANA葆婴的任何产品。 公司保留必要的法律手段来追究任何涉嫌在网销售假冒伪劣USANA葆婴公司产品的企业或个人的权利。 在官网外的地方购买USANA产品,您无法杜绝假货,也无法享...
服用CellSentials一个月后,一项USANA内部研究发现,参与者自我报告了他们在心理和身体健康以及活力方面的感知好处。 每种片剂均具有每种营养素易于生物利用的形式。这很重要,因为您的身体无法使用无法吸收的东西。 每个USANA产品均按照最高标准制造...
USANA’s focus on in-house research has created supplements that give your body the exact nutrition it needs to thrive. What’s On the Label is In the Bottle The right nutrients in the right amounts. Cellular Formulations for Every Body Using the most bioavailable ingredients allows us to ta...
USANA’s focus on in-house research has created supplements that give your body the exact nutrition it needs to thrive. What’s On the Label is In the Bottle The right nutrients in the right amounts. Cellular Formulations for Every Body Using the most bioavailable ingredients allows us to ta...