scp(secure copy)命令用于在本地主机和远程主机之间,或者两个远程主机之间安全地复制文件或目录。它基于SSH协议,确保了数据传输的安全性。 scp命令的可选参数及其含义 -1 到-4:指定使用SSH协议版本。-1表示SSH1,-2表示SSH2(默认),-3表示同时支持SSH1和SSH2,-4表示强制使用IPv4地址。 -6:强制使用IPv6地址。
1.2 使用scp 下载至本地scp-P2222-i ~/.ssh/your_jump_server.private_key your_account@remote_server_ip:/data/workspace/your_file.txt ./your_dir/上传至远端scp-P2222-i ~/.ssh/your_jump_server.private_key ./your_dir/your_file.txt your_account@remote_server_ip:/data/workspace/ 1.3 使用mu...
63 LAAC-LSCP/* (5) 2 ✔️ (5) ✔️ (2) 2023-07-24 12:46:27+00:00 64 LLLLLrf/nnUnet-semantic-segmentation 0 ✔️ 2024-01-18 10:46:21+00:00 65 LabNeuroCogDevel/* (2) 3 ✔️ (2) 2024-12-20 18:46:56+00:00 66 LarrMarburger/nnUNet 0 ✔️ 2023-11-...
#`source`是文件当前的位置,`destination`是文件所要复制到的位置scpsourcedestination scp user@host:foo.txt bar.txt (1)本地文件复制到远程 复制本机文件到远程系统的用法如下。 # 语法$ scp SourceFile user@host:directory/TargetFile# 示例$ scp file.txt remote_username@ 下面...
Create an empty disk qcow of the same size and attach to the vm. Use winscp to open the host and copy across your qcow disk to the same folder eg /mnt/pve/dev-sdb/images/103/Win10Base.qcow2. Delete the empty one and rename your disk with same name. Bingo. Reactions: karnalta ...
Usage: pegasus scp_output pegasus scp_output -h Arguments: input_data_file Analyzed single cell data in zarr format. output_name Name prefix for all outputted files. Options: --dense Output dense expression matrix instead. --round-to <ndigit> Round expression to <ndigit> after the ...
scp sipeed@ `` ## Input Methods If you need to input non-ascii characters, you need to install an input method, here is an example of Chinese input method, for other languages, please look for tutorials. First install ibus-libpinyin: ```bash sudo apt install -...
scp主要用于以下三种复制操作。 本地复制到远程。 远程复制到本地。 两个远程系统之间的复制。 #`source`是文件当前的位置,`destination`是文件所要复制到的位置 scp source destination scp user@host:foo.txt bar.txt 1. 2. 3. (1)本地文件复制到远程 ...
No matter what version of ftp, it sends username/password in clear text. you are right, go for ssh/scp/sftp Anil
(see env GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=6 go build -gcflags "all=-N -l" -o build/P4wnP1_service cmd/P4wnP1_service/P4wnP1_service.go # copy the result to /root/P4wnP1/build on the Raspberry Pi 0 scp build/P4wnP1_service