具体报错内容如下: This inspection finds all usages of methods that have @since tag in their documentation. This may be useful when development is performed under newer SDK version as the target platform for production 报错图: 解决方案: 看代码意思是,那个方法是自Java1.6开始的,但是,看我图上面的l...
在导入java.io.console的时候出现“Usage of API documented as @since 1.6+” 解决方法 File ->Project Structure->Project Settings -> Modules -> 你的Module名字 -> Sources -> Language Level->选个默认的就行。 OK后,错误消失 原因 (1)Language level,这个有点像我们工程最低支持版本。 比如Language le...
报错信息: Usage of API documented as @since 1.8+ This inspection finds all usages of methods that have @since tag in their documentation. This may be useful when development is performed under newer SDK version as the target platform for production. 问题原因: 出现该问题的原因是由于使用了JAVA8...
Usage of API documented as @since 1.6+ This inspection finds all usages of methods that have @since tag in their documentation. This may be useful when development is performed under newerSDKversion as the target platform for production 解决方案 1、设置idea File ->Project Structure->Project Sett...
Usage of API documented as @since 1.8+”报错解决 1. 问题 2. 问题原因 由于使用了JAVA8的新特性,但是Language Level(最低可支持的版本)比较低,无法支持这些特性。 我这里设置的Language Level为6.0,可是却使用了8.0/9.0的新特性Lambda表达式,6.0无法解析这些特性,出现报错信息。 3. 解决 打开Project Structure...
intellij 出现“Usage of API documented as @since 1.6+” 或者 “Usage of API documented as @since 1.8+”的解决办法 File ->Project Structure->Project Settings -> 1 Project ->Project SDK和 Project language level 设置为 1.8 2 Modules -> 你Module名字 -> Sources -> Language Level->选个默认的...
intellij 出现“Usage ofAPIdocumented as @since 1.6+” 或者 “Usage of API documented as @since 1.8+”的解决办法 File ->Project Structure->Project Settings -> 1 Project ->ProjectSDK和 Project language level 设置为 1.8 2 Modules-> 你Module名字 -> Sources -> Language Level->选个默认的就行...
简介:“Usage of API documented as @since 1.8+”报错的解决办法 原因:无法引入类,版本问题。 解决办法如下: 方法一:修改Project Structure的Language level 方法二:直接在pom.xml文件添加插件 <build><plugins><plugin><groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId><artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId...
IDEA 解决 Usage of API documented as @since 1.X+ 方法 IDEA 解决 Usage of API documented as @since 1.X+ 方法 出现的问题如上图所示,这个问题的原因是设置的idea的jdk Language level 太低,不适配代码导致的,只要在项目结构中将语法级别调高就可以了。具体解决思路见下图: 1、在File中,打开项目结构 ...
Intellij Error:usage of api documented as @since 1.6+ Intellij Error:usage of api documented as @since 1.5+ 错误场景: 开发工具:Intellij 在使用最新的Java8库的时候(我用的java.util.Scanner ),在调用该方法的地方会有错误提示: Usage of API documented as @since 1.5+ This inspection finds all ...