"There's a longstanding history between the Thunderbird team and the people of Cheyenne. There is so much history and heritage behind this show site for us," said Dakota Carter, public affairs spokesperson for the Thunderbirds. The Thunderbirds have been flying in Cheyenne since 1953, only miss...
Bill Gallagher PhotographyThunderbirds - All 6The thunderbirds are a precision aerobatic team that make annual trips around the United States putting on shows in front of millions over the course of a year.They take off individually, do a couple of group formations and then split up into differe...
Thunderbirds Are Go! Leave a reply Neither Brains nor Lady Penelope but the United States’ Airforce aerobaticdisplay teamfeature in this model fromJme Wheeler. Whilst other militaries use lightweight trainer aircraft to equip their teams, the USAF and the USNavyhave traditionally used front-line ...