Air Force PT Test - USAF PT CalculatorMore By This Developer 30 Day Ab Challenge - Amazing 6 Pack Abs Workouts Health & Fitness One Rep Max Calculator - 1RM Lift Log Health & Fitness Interval Timer - Tabata & HIIT Workout Stopwatch ...
Awesome PT Tool This app is great for conducting tests and calculating quickly the scores. Would be cool to see a “what’s needed” quick calculator to give people a quick answer to what they need to score in a certain component for either to pass or make a 90. Also, it would be...
TheAir Force Fitness Calculatoris a tool that helps Air Force members figure out their fitness PT test scores and see if they meet the required standards. Author Recent Posts George N. George N. is the founder of While he never actually served in the United States Army, he ...
The crunches test score is based on the number of repetitions counted during one minute. For a 17 to 25 year old male the score ranges from zero for less than 27 crunches to 10 points for 55 or more. The Air Force PT Test App has full support for alternative cardio events, elevation,...
Air Force PT Test - USAF PT CalculatorMore By This Developer 30 Day Ab Challenge - Amazing 6 Pack Abs Workouts Health & Fitness One Rep Max Calculator - 1RM Lift Log Health & Fitness Interval Timer - Tabata & HIIT Workout Stopwatch ...
Air Force PT Test - USAF PT CalculatorYou Might Also Like USSF/USAF PFA Calculator Health & Fitness ReadyFit: Fitness Tests Health & Fitness Chill Drills Health & Fitness JIM Stoppani Health & Fitness MyCare Overseas™ Health & Fitness ...
Air Force PT Test - USAF PT Calculator更多来自此开发人员的 App 7分钟锻炼 - 高强度间歇训练 健康健美 1个月板挑战 健康健美 WOD Log - Crossfit WODs 5x5 Workout - Madcow & Reg Park 俯卧撑挑战 健康健美 One Rep Max Calculator - 1RM Lift Log ...
Air Force PT Test - USAF PT Calculator更多来自此开发人员的 App Army PRT - U.S. Army APFT Calculator 健康健美 健康健美 Powerlifter - 531 Weightlifting Log One Rep Max Calculator - 1RM Lift Log 1个月臀部锻炼 健康健美 1个月板挑战
Air Force PT Test - USAF PT Calculator更多来自此开发人员的 App 每日腹部锻炼免费版 健康健美 One Rep Max Calculator - 1RM Lift Log 健康健美 间隔计时器 - Tabata & HIIT 健身秒表 WOD Log - Crossfit WODs 1个月板挑战 健康健美 5公里跑 - Couch to 5K Run ...
The crunches test score is based on the number of repetitions counted during one minute. For a 17 to 25 year old male the score ranges from zero for less than 27 crunches to 10 points for 55 or more. The Air Force PT Test App has full support for alternative cardio events, elevation,...