WORLD-CLASS PREDICTION COMES TRUE!! Unlike many people who said the opposite, I predicted this outcome back in the end of 2018-beginning of 2019, when my book was written and published!! MY DIRECT & SPECIFIC PREDICTIONCOMES TRUE!! FROM THE BOOK GEOPOLITICAL & GEO-ECONOMIC QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS...
…….. they can’t stand to be reminded about how their side used vast underhanded criminal deceit FRAUD to Rig the 2020 Presidential election that President Trump won in a LANDSLIDE 80m to 60m if that close ………. Committing thousands of acts of Felony Treason from sea to shining sea ...
One prediction last year is the Fed not cutting interest rates in 2023. The Fed didn’t, and Morgan is still predicting there will be no Fed interest rate cut anytime soon. Now, with a record high stock market, Morgan is predicting “We are entering into a global depression the likes ...
After the 2024 presidential election, I’m convinced more than ever that the proper primary and secondary education is a key to economic well-being forall Americans. I’m also convinced that the education curriculum needs to revert to what was once a standard. ...
She had a dream, perhaps like many other women before her in the USA. Such a dream became possible when former Vice President Joe Biden picked Kamala Harris, the first woman and the first coloured person to run for that office as his Vice Presidential nominee. In her victory s...
She says that he had his opponent in the last presidential election jailed along with that opposition party’s leaders and he also shut down three television stations that were critical of his regime. There is a two minute video of a young Zelensky clad in leather tights and high heels ...
The prediction in Quatrain VI-2 is that the February 2014 Ukrainian Presidential coup d’état, that was supported by NATO, will lead to a Russian victory in a war with NATO. In 2014, The New World Order overreached. This is another perfect example of The Nostradamus Butterfly Effect. His...
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Evening Post) Biblical cycle timing expert, geopolitical and financial analyst Bo Polny says the U.S. dollar is going to take a big hit this year. The printed money used for evil is coming to an end, and evil w
“smear campaign.” This is a huge crime to misinform the public and not tell them before a Presidential Election that candidate Joe Biden is compromised and sold out to multiple enemies of America. The MSM is complicit in treason, in my mind. Journalism is dead at the soo to be bankrupt...
On gold, Nenner still stands by his prediction that “gold will go to $2,500 per ounce” in the next few years. Nenner explains, “Cycles show me that gold and silver will be going up for a couple of years. . . . I take profits in a short term top, but people say that Mr. ...