In an opinion poll commissioned by Reuters a majority of US Democrat voters say they fear that the latest m,ove to impeach President Trump over the Biden-Ukraine scandal will backfire, giving him a boost into the 2020 US election. One has to wonder about an epidemic of dementia among ...
She preached a long sermon that had nothing to do with prophecy (it had mostly to do with politics and she obviously hated Obama), and there was no call for her to pray for sick people (probably because her sermon was so long that there was no time for it). But right toward the ...
Anne isn't the only person from News Center Maine who has made it to the Miss USA Pageant. Long-time anchor Cindy Williams was Miss Mississippi in 1986, and went on to the Miss USA pageant in Miami with host Bob Barker. In her interview, Cindy said he was currently the anchor of the... Reply Ed 11/07/2022 • The elections are fake anyway so ...
your suggestion that “its legal arguments are based upon shaky and unsatisfying foundations” is in my opinion deeply flawed … the rule of law is the basis for the argument, without the rule of law you have anarchy …. anarchy is what we are seeing, an open coup, rioting in the ... Reply Nathan Dunning 07/08/2022 • Great video Greg, I loved the intro about you...
Opinion by Rebekah Koffler • 6h ago Common sense dictates the Russia-Ukraine conflict must end, and serious effort shoul...
I respect his opinion. FBI. Obviously, the FBI is out of control. They need to be disbanned. No longer legitimate. The Democrats are out of control also. In my opinion, they are Communists, and are forcing Commnunism on America. (Ref. interview with Terry Turchie, Retired FBI Asst... Trump scolds CNN’s Jim Acosta in India: ‘You ought to be ashamed of yourself’ JIM’s reply...
In my opinion a bird-in your hand will serve you well as nobody knows what circumstances will be prevailing which may cause you to be unable to obtain metals. Additionally, this will be the mother of all crashes so things will not be exactly as they were in 2008. Having cash is I ag...