Green cards are generally valid for 10 years. After 10 years, you can renew your green card – you don’t have to reapply. You’ll get a new card in the mail and can continue to use it to verify your lawful permanent resident status. Conditional Green Cards When you marry a U.S. ...
A Green Card is also known as a Permanent Residence Card. It’s the physical proof that the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) has granted you status as a lawful permanent US resident. For foreigners, a Green Card allows you to permanently work and live in the United...
Green Card Una tarjeta verde es evidencia de estatus de residente permanente legal en los Estados Unidos. La tarjeta verde de los Estados Unidos permite que una persona resida y trabaje en los Estados Unidos y comience a convertirse en ciudadano naturalizado. El gobierno emite anualmente más...
Get the latest news about the US Immigration, the Diversity Immigrant Visa Lottery also known as the Green Card Lottery in the United States.
US Permanent Residency is a super sought-after status, which is why we suggest taking advantage of professional immigration help to ensure you put forth the best application possible. VisaPlace has helped thousands of individuals successfully obtain a US green card through family sponsorship, employmen...
Green Card Related Services: Adjustment of Status» Individuals who are in the U.S. in valid nonimmigrant status can obtain lawful permanent resident status through Adjustment of Status. Certain foreign nationals who are not in lawful status may also be eligible to file Adjustment Status. ...
If the Green Card aspirant is already in the United States, he or she can file for an “Adjustment of Status.” The required forms and supporting documents depend on the specific Green Card category. What is needed in the Green Card interview?
If so, you may have heard of the DV program or green card lottery. This program, administered by the U.S. Department of State, provides an opportunity for individuals from lower immigration rate’s countries to the US to apply for a Green Card, or permanent resident status. ...
Green Card through Asylum. Way to Obtain US Green Card: Through Asylum Status. Asylum Status: to One Unwilling or Unable to Return to Home Country.
Green card doesn’t mean citizenship. However, you may be eligible to apply for US citizenship after holding green card status for a certain period of time. Green card is not issued for life. It is for a specific period, which is normally for 10 years. You need to revalidate it after ...