My left shoe houses various meme references, chords from songs I have written, sketches of the latest NASA star cluster discoveries, practice lines of Italian greetings from when I was set on learning it, and "Lorrie Lake Ln." in small cursive letters. Sandalwood, my friends and I call it...
regaleagle 06/23/2022 • They are coming to Texas like it’s the Gold Rush. Real estate prices have doubled in less than 12 months, and they are actually bidding above asking price for homes. Build out is torrid everywhere…..rents are sky-high now like out West(maybe not that hi...
regaleagle 08/11/2022 • Here’s a good one: “Better to be Right than left”. Or how about ” Right is Might, but Left is Theft” ? Right is Right all day long, but Left is Theft until it’s all gone”. Reply Ray 08/12/2022 • They sound good R.E Here’s my bi...
Really you sound like the pope saying he would baptize them! They are fallen angels that crossed GOD I don’t think anyone will be baptizing them… Reply Bill the Cat Guy 05/30/2021 • The pope would baptize them. It should be obvious to everyone that he serves Satan. It’s not...
You really sound like a great person, Mort and I pray that you as well of the billions of others are able to recover and heal from this. I was completely distrusting of Trump from the get-go and his desire to “take the guns first and due process second”, and his pushing an exper...