Service Details: Complete DV lottery application assistance Registration Period: Annual program Processing Time: 2 days The entry period for the DV-2026 Diversity Visa Program was between October 2, 2024 and November 7, 2024. Entries are not being accepted at this time. But you can still visit...
Welcome to the Green Card Lottery Program. Live and Work in the USA today! Enter the DV-2027 Green Card Lottery here.
The results of the 2023 Green Card Lottery (called DV-2025) were published on May 12, 2024. For insturctions on how to check if you are a winner, pleaselog into your account. Important: Winning notifications are NOT delivered by mail, email or phone. Beware of any communication you may...
Green Card Lottery application & guaranteed official registration. Apply for the green card for your permanent US work & residence visa. Registration open.
Get the latest news about the US Immigration, the Diversity Immigrant Visa Lottery also known as the Green Card Lottery in the United States.
Global USA is a private non-government entity providing value-added paid services for registration to the US Diversity Visa (DV) Lottery Program (also known as the Green Card Lottery). At Global USA, we pride ourselves on helping people like you fulfil their dreams of living in the United ...
DV Lottery 2025: Your Journey as an Immigrant in America with the Electronic Diversity Visa Program October 20, 2023byadmin2 Comments Winning the Visa Lottery: Your Path as an Immigrant to America with the Electronic Diversity Visa Program The U.S. Department of State has opened the entry peri...
3. Born in a country whose natives are ineligible, but in which neither of your parents was born or legally resident at the time of your birth? If yes, you may claim the country of birth of one of your parents if it is a country whose natives are eligible for the DV-2021 program....
To enter the DV lottery you must meet certain criteria. You must register within a specific time window, typically around September-October each year. It’s a slow process! The Green Card lottery 2022 (DV-2024) opens late October 2022. After you enter DV-2024, find out if you’ve won ...
How long does the US Green Card Lottery take? While a lengthy process, this program provides an extra opportunity to immigrate with simpler qualifications. When you've been selected for permanent residency, VisaPlace can help determine your eligibility, gather your documentation, and establish a pla...