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All Zip Codes ( 42,845 Current Zip Codes ) All Corresponding City Names ( 30,090 Records ) State Name State Abbreviation Total Population Mixed City County Name Mixed County Latitude Longitude State FIPS County FIPS GMT & Daylight Savings Time ...
City Name: Colusa StateCountyCity Name CAColusaColusa ILHancockColusa Population This is the population data of Colusa in 2010 and 2020. City Name:Colusa State:California Population 2020:5,909 Population 2010:5,978 Envelope Example This is an example of a US zip envelope. You can use a ...
What Does +4 Code Mean? Zip+4-digits are used to identify a geographic segment within the 5-digit delivery area, such as a city block or a group of apartments or an individual high-volume receiver of mail, or any other unit that could use an extra identifier to aid in efficient mail...
This is the Usa Fulfillment ZIP Code page list. Basic InformationEnvelope Example Basic Information Country: U.S. - United States State: MD - Maryland County FIPS: 24035 County: CountyFIPS: 24035 - Queen Annes ZIP Code: 21690 Agency Name: Usa Fulfillment City Type ?: N (Not...
Chase City-Virginia-弗吉尼亚州-美国邮编查询-Richmond-里士满-USA zip code作者:货运全球网 来源:货运全球网 时间:2022-09-20 浏览量: 23984 次 Chase City-Virginia-Richmond-VA-USA zip code 州英文名称 Virginia 州中文名称 弗吉尼亚州 州二字代码 VA 州主要城市 Chase City 州首府名称 Richmond 州首府中文 ...
You can download the full list of Kum & Go locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide. Buy the full dataset NameStreetCityState / TerritoryZip CodePhoneLatitudeLongitudeAddressCountry...
Full list of US cities, states and counties (60k+ entries) formatted for your convenience: City|State short name|State full name|County|City Alias Mixed Case Example: Bronx|NY|New York|BRONX|University Heights OR Gaines|PA|Pennsylvania|TIOGA|Manhattan 61 states total (including foreign and...
Quiktrip Store #7173685 Mineral Springs RdPell CityAL35125205-473-364033.59877892-86.32127914685 Mineral Springs Rd, Pell City, AL, 35125USA2024-12-24 Quiktrip Store #71712220 Hwy 84CaleraAL35040205-690-948433.13950444-86.751162532220 Hwy 84, Calera, AL, 35040USA2024-12-24 ...
ZIP code database with latitude, longitude, MSA, PMSA, CBSA, population, Census 2012, market area, market area, area code, county name, county FIPS code, time zone, daylight saving time flag, ZIP code type, population, and city and state. Updated monthly