Army (GenA) General (Gen) Lieutenant General (LtGen) Major General (MGen) Brigadier General (BGen) Colonel (Col) Lieutenant Colonel (LtCol) Major (Maj) Captain (Capt) First Lieutenant (1Lt) Second Lieutenant (2Lt) Fleet Admiral (FAdm) ...
Army Sonny-boy. You're starting out as a Private in the Enlisted Soldier ranks and you'll have to work your way up through 13 official US Army rankings to get to SERGEANT MAJOR of the Army. In the real army you'll only get as far as Private Second class while at Bootcamp so take...
(NCOs) and the enlisted soldiers they command. Horizontal cleavages are this between armed services–Army, Navy, Air Force, national gendarme, border patrol, interior ministry secret police, etc–and within those services (say, between armour and infantry in the land forces, or surface fleet ...
Obama purged the senior officer’s corps of patriots ten years ago, and Biden is now doing it to the junior officers and enlisted ranks. Very soon all that will be left will be the social justice warrior types: Feminist, LGBTQ, and Marxist. Our military is full of them now. Conservative...
CDR Joseph Dituri enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1985. He has served continuously on active service upon various ships and shore stations where he was involved in saturation diving and ship repair. In 1995 he made his way up through the ranks after earning his B.S. in Computer Science ...
To make sure he didn't disappoint fans with his 2016 album "Views," Drake reportedly enlisted help from a small army of producers, including Kanye West. In spite of all that effort, reviews were somewhat tepid--not that it stopped fans from buying the album in droves. ...
The Chihuahua Trail – a millennia-old corridor for human passage across the northern Chihuahuan Desert to the Southern Rocky Mountains – ranks among the most historic highways in North America. It has served as an avenue for commerce, conquest, warfare, migration, adventure, flight and ...
You have the rather unique distinction of being a “mustang” soldier, having enlisted as a private and retiring as a four-star general. How did being a soldier at the lowest ranks of the Vietnam-era Army affect your views and actions as a top commander in the Army of the...
By Greg Hunter’s Renowned trends researcher and publisher of “The Trends Journal,” Gerald Celente, has long said “when all else fails, they take you to war.” To say our world is failing is a profound understatement. Celente proclaims
Though men and women drop from the ranks, they remain with us in purpose and can be depended on fully in any crisis. Also, there are many millions who have never joined but who think and feel and - when called on - fight with us. This is our real strength, and no one who ignores...