十字军东征CountryBalls - History of the Crusaders 08:40 第一次世界大战CountryBalls - History of World War 08:29 第二次世界大战CountryBalls - History of World War II 08:03 英国的历史CountryBalls - History of Britain 08:25 美国的历史CountryBalls - History of United States (FULL) 14:23 俄罗斯...
Japan at War with USA and Britain Declaration after Bombing American Bases Attacks on Hawaii and ManilaThe Birmingham Post (England)
Commonwealth forces from Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Britain’s colonial empire also left the ranks in their thousands. The overwhelming majority of deserters from all armies were front-line infantry troops; without them, the war was harder to win. Many of these men were ...
Originally the homeland of the indigenous Native Americans, the Americas were explored and colonized by Spain, the Netherlands, France, and Britain in the 15th and 16th centuries. By the 18th century, the British had established 13 colonies along the Atlantic coast of what is now the...
Affluence and Industrial Relations in Post-War Britain Affluence was a key element in the social history of post-1945 Britain. Contemporary analyses focused on the combination of acquisitiveness and full employ... Richard Whiting - Richard Whiting is a Professor of Modern British History at the Uni...
The United States of America (U.S.A. or USA), commonly known as the United States (U.S. or US) or America. The country gained its independence from Great Britain in 1776, the nation became a federal republic by adopting its Constitution in 1789. ...
(1754-1763), the Northwest Territory and Canada. The original Thirteen Colonies declared their independence from Great Britain in 1776 and formed a government under the Articles of Confederation in 1781, adopting (1787) a new constitution that went into effect after 1789. The nation soon began ...
The conflict between the American colonists and the British government led to the War of American Independence which ended with the birth of the United States of America. In Britain, after the Celtic tribes, Julius Caesar’s army occupied England. Then the three Germanic tribes came to England,...
The present conjunction, while past its exact point, has encompassed not only the massacre of Kosavars by Serbs, but also the bombing of Belgrade and the outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in Britain resulting in a wholesale scapegoating of animals. Aggression is reflected by the opposition of...