The denomination released a 173-page report October 1 detailing the sexual abuse of at least 22 women and girls by a former missionary in the Congo. The center of the investigation, William Pruitt, died in 1999.Religion MagazinesThe Christian Century...
Water access and allocation reflects common-law courts decisions from the late 19th and early twentieth century. Surface water rights are generally senior to groundwater rights. Prior appropriation has worked differently when applied to aquifers compared to surface waters. It has also applied ...
"We've been operating in a system where certain expertise resides at the churchwide level and pronouncements get sent down the pipeline," he said. "That model is last century. It's a radically different time now." Mainline Protestants' national offices branch into every field from liturgy to...
On the other hand, many expressions used by Russian writers of the early 19th century, in particular Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Griboedov, became proverbs or sayings which can be frequently found even in the modern Russian colloquial speech. Since Russian classical literature is considered by most...
We're living in the 21st Century, not the 19th! The idea you even believe “Republicans are indeed gearing up to stop the diseased progressives from re-segregating America” indicates just how deficient you are when it comes to reality and truth. To even think that “SEGREGATION” is a ...
This experience resulted in the publication of Confessions of a Revolutionary (1849) and the General Idea of the Revolution in the 19th Century (1851). In these books Proudhon criticized representative democracy and argued that in reality political authority is exercised by only a small number of ...
Hull House's founder, Jane Addams, in the 19th Century spirit believed in the social adjustment and education of the alien poor. Miss Carr thought that times had changed, that organization and political pressure were now the best ways for slum dwellers to better their lot. ...
These reforms were discussed against the background of the classic era (of the 19th century and earlier) and in comparison with the reforms of the Second Vatican Council and of Paul VI. The rituals of that era were simplified, renewed in a community spirit and adapted to the mentality of ...
Especially the Turners from Germany influenced the beginnings of Czech and American PE in the 19th century. Other gymnastic systems entered the USA later but the philosophy of pragmatism and the influence of the modern Olympic movement brought significant changes into the American PE concept at the ...
As Hook explained in Out of Step: An Unquiet Life in the 20th Century (1987): "The charges against the defendants were mind-boggling. They had allegedly plotted and carried out the assassination of Kirov on December 1, 1934, and planned the assassination of Stalin and his leading associates...