The denomination released a 173-page report October 1 detailing the sexual abuse of at least 22 women and girls by a former missionary in the Congo. The center of the investigation, William Pruitt, died in 1999.Religion MagazinesThe Christian Century...
These reforms were discussed against the background of the classic era (of the 19th century and earlier) and in comparison with the reforms of the Second Vatican Council and of Paul VI. The rituals of that era were simplified, renewed in a community spirit and adapted to the mentality of ...
You don’t have to travel to Europe to see a castle: There’s one along the Connecticut River Loop. Passing through the iconic New England towns of Essex and Old Lyme, this 32-mile loop boasts a 20th-century castle. TheGillette Castle, built between 1914 and 1919, was originally owned ...
Until the late 19th century, there wasn’t any such thing as “illegal” or “legal” immigration to the United States. That’s because before you can... Read more What can a survey tell us about immigration in the USA? Immigration Mike Goodman - May 1, 2021 1 The Cato Institute...
On the other hand, many expressions used by Russian writers of the early 19th century, in particular Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Griboedov, became proverbs or sayings which can be frequently found even in the modern Russian colloquial speech. Since Russian classical literature is considered by most...
The territorial and early state governments were largely corrupt. Early in the 20th century, a wave of populism led by the Non Partisan League brought social reforms. The Great Depression was rough on the state and came several years early with the 1920s farm crisis. The original state capitol...
We're living in the 21st Century, not the 19th! The idea you even believe “Republicans are indeed gearing up to stop the diseased progressives from re-segregating America” indicates just how deficient you are when it comes to reality and truth. To even think that “SEGREGATION” is a ...
This experience resulted in the publication of Confessions of a Revolutionary (1849) and the General Idea of the Revolution in the 19th Century (1851). In these books Proudhon criticized representative democracy and argued that in reality political authority is exercised by only a small number of ...
The piratical monopoly of these seas, which was held by the Turks for so many centuries, down even to the middle of the 19th century, was a magnet which drew the lawless and criminal from all parts of the world. Of this blending of the primitive, the savage, the stupidly brutal and ...
Hull House's founder, Jane Addams, in the 19th Century spirit believed in the social adjustment and education of the alien poor. Miss Carr thought that times had changed, that organization and political pressure were now the best ways for slum dwellers to better their lot. ...