ZIP code primarily consists of a five digit number like 55416. These five numbers are extended after putting a hyphen by 4 numbers, which is also called as ZIP +4. For example 55416-4214. The first digit of the ZIP code corresponds to the specific group of US states it belongs to. ...
The Authority Site for US ZIP Code Maps, ZIP Code Lookup, ZIP Code Demographics as well as Canadian Postal Codes
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Zip Code Lookup Service Including Geographic and Demographic Statistics and Maps, Public School Records, Universities, Medical Institutes, Crime Rates, Weather Information and more.
New York-New York-Albany-NY-USA zip code 州英文名称 New York 州中文名称纽约州 州二字代码NY 州主要城市New York 州首府名称Albany 州首府中文奥尔巴尼 邮政编码ZIP10016 地区代码212,646,917,914,718 上一篇:New York-New York-纽约...下一篇:New York-New York-纽约......
ZIP Codes Database used in mail addresses also in geographics in US by the US Census Bureau. The database contains ZIP Codes, latitude, longitude.关键词:美国,邮编,时区,邮件地址,地理,经度,纬度, U.S.,zip code,timezone,mail address,geographic,latitude,longitude,数据格式:TEXT 数据详细介绍:US...
zipcitystatecodestatenamelatitudelongitudetimezonedst 00210PortsmouthNHNewHampshire43.005895-71.013202-51 00211PortsmouthNHNewHampshire43.005895-71.013202-51 00212PortsmouthNHNewHampshire43.005895-71.013202-51 00213PortsmouthNHNewHampshire43.005895-71.013202-51
Nassau-New York-Albany-NY-USA zip code 州英文名称 New York 州中文名称 纽约州 州二字代码 NY 州主要城市 Nassau 州首府名称 Albany 州首府中文 奥尔巴尼 邮政编码ZIP 12123 地区代码 518上一篇: New Baltimore-New Yo... 下一篇: Middleburgh-New York......
cbsa_fipsThe FIPS code for theCore Based Statistical Area(CBSA) that includes the zip code (if it exists). cbsa_nameThe name of the CBSA (e.g.New York-Newark-Jersey City). cbsa_metroTRUE ifcbsa_nameis a metropolitan statistical area (MSA). FALSE if the CBSA is a micropolitan statistic...
Reliable reverse ZIP Code lookup service. Find ZIP Code by State for all the states and territories of the United States. Browse through the ZIP Code directory to find the respective designated ZIP Code for each city in the US.