In the year 2000, the company completed the acquisition of US West. On June 30, 2000, US West merged with Qwest. The US West brand was replaced by the Qwest brand. On April 1, 2011, Qwest merged with CenturyLink. After the merger completion, Qwest brand was replaced by the CenturyLink...
Focuses on the hurdles faced by the merger between Qwest Communications International and US West Inc. Threat of a million-dollar suit expressed by US West against Qwest if the deal will not push through; Confirmation made by Qwest of merger discussions made with another company; Qwest's ...
Still, Qwest, even after swallowing US West, has positioned itself to take advantage of the exponential growth in Internet access, data services and other Web-related businesses. For example, the company today served notice on upstarts such as iBeam Broadcasting, RealNetworks, Digital Island, Aka...
Guth, RobHaney, Clare
Qwest Merger with US West: Integrated Case Studies Global Crossing's offer had been $11 billion for Frontier and $30 billion for Qwest. Soon Qwest and US West reached an agreement to acquire US West. As a part of the deal, Qwest agreed to forego providing long-distance service ... BR ...
Reports that the Arizona Corporation Commission will hold public hearings in Tucson in the wake of telephone firm US West Communications Inc.'s planned merger with QWest Communications International Inc. US West's monopoly of local telephone service; Complaints against installation and repair work; Obs...
If the Sinatra association taught him the importance of designing a company around artists, Ostin cites Steve Ross as the one who influenced his management style. Ross was the widely admired entrepreneur who bought the company in 1969 and then masterminded the Time Warner merger in 1989. His de...
US West, Qwest Merger to Unite Companies with Different Philosophies.(Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News)Jarman, Max
Reports that the chief executive of Qwest Communications International Inc. plans to meet in March 2000 with the chairman of US West Inc. to discuss their merger. Threat to their merger; Comment of Deutsche Telekom AG on the merger.Wall Street Journal - Eastern Edition...
Presents information on Ameritech Corporation's merger with SBC Communications Incorporated, with reference to Ameritech signing a deal to become Qwest Communications Corporation's commissioned sales agent. Reference to Ameri...