You can find daily weather maps of the lower 48 at since 2003; there are historical maps from 1871-2003 available at but you'll need to download an additi...
National Climatic Data Center,NCDC- the part of NOAA that maintains the world's largest active archive of weather data National Weather Service- the federal agency in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration that is responsible for weather forecast and preparation of weather maps ... 19°F Hayward, WI, USA Updated:08-Feb-2025 9:10am Humidity:83% Navigation Mobile Version NorthLands Weather for your SmartPhone Scan With Your Phone's Bar Code Reader App External Links Past 24 hours High Temp
US Weather Information is a new iPhone App that provides the latest weather data, forecasts, graphs, radars and interactive forecasts maps. All weather data is provided from he National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
US Weather Storm Reports pulls data from NOAA on the most recent severe storm reports including severe hail, damaging winds and tornadoes. It provides the last 24 hours of reports with up to 7 days of tornado reports. The map includes address search as well as GPS location.新...
aprs.if- Weather (Hover over a thumbnail to display a new chart.) Today, Fri Jan 31 Tomorrow, Sat Feb 1 In 2 Days, Sun Feb 2 Text Discussion(if available) Full Size Maps Maps and Data Courtesy of NOAA NWSWeather Prediction Center-- Script bySE Lincoln Weather...
简介 US Weather Tornado Reports uses data from NOAA in the form of an easy to use interactive map to show 7 days worth of tornado reports for the entire US. This map features GPS location and address search.新内容 版本记录 版本6.2 Urgent update...App 隐私 查看详情 开发者“corey hogg...
2017 Dynamic weather maps –the first fully zoomable web-based map interface displaying weather data via interactive weather maps 2017 Cross-Sections globally –a unique cut through thousands of kilometres of atmosphere and multiple model domains 2017 Real-time updates with observations –we improved... <- sapply(1:48, function(x) getNOAAdataAnnual(x), simplify=FALSE) <- sapply(1:48, function(x) getNOAAdataMonth(x, "3"), simplify=FALSE) ### Join lists together into dataframe <-"rbind", weather....
Analysis of NOAA daily weather maps for 1980-2006 supports the trend detected in the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis 1. A GISS general circulation model (GCM) simulation including historical forcing by greenhouse gases reproduces this decreasing cyclone trend starting in 1980. Such a long-term decrease in ...