Small Wars & InsurgenciesKaempf S (2006) Wrestling under conditions of asymmetry: US warfare and the trade-off between casualty-aversion and civilian protection. Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Wales, Aberystwyth.Kaempf, Sebastian (2006) Wrestling under conditions of asymmetry: US warfare ...
I mean, we’ve only done this five times already. So you know, if you are really honest with yourself, we are promoting civil wars, that’s what U.S. policy is doing.
The movement to legalize same-sex marriage was revitalized in the 1990s in the US. This paper examines the reasons for this revitalization and analyzes the movement in relation to feminism. Gays/Lesbians called for same-sex marriage rights in the 1990s because of the influence of the HIV/AIDS...
With the rise of mass-produced, factory chicken farming in America, the world responded by buying up cheaper U.S. poultry, and chicken imports in Europe soared. That didn't sit well with France and West Germany, who imposed tariffs on the birds, leading to big losses in the U.S. poult...
Still, compare the aid this time around with previous amounts spent in other conflicts and they are nowhere close. Lend-Lease during WWII, aid during the Vietnam and Korean Wars, and even the first Gulf War, involved significantly bigger outlays than currently being spent onUkraine. ...
The American intelligence community, under orders from President Bill Clinton, did mount covert actions aimed at toppling Saddam in the 1990s, but by most accounts they were badly organized and halfhearted. In the north, CIA operatives supported a Kurdish rebellion against Saddam in 1995. According...
MICHAEL HUDSON: We have to work on the vocabulary of doublethink. What Jill and Martin Luther King called violence, Democratic Party calls GDP. And so Jill goes, the political points that Jill just made, he’s extended into a whole economic program. If you want to stop wars, you have to...
Our current decade has brought us a number of notable entries into the litany of ruined franchises (good Christ, et tu, “Indiana Jones”?), but the 90s swung one hell of a big stick as it concerned sunken cash cows. “The Godfather,”“Star Wars,”“Batman,”“Alien,”“Beverly Hill...
The “mommy wars” of the 1990s are still going on today, prompting arguments about why women still can’t have it all and books like Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In, whose title has become a buzzword in its own right. Terms like unplug, offline, life-hack, bandwidth, and capacity are all...
“Before, coming out of the Cold War, the expectation [was] that wars would be short and regional, so you didn’t need a large magazine because … the major conflict period would not last very long,” said Cancian, a senior adviser at the CSIS think tank’s International Securit...