Part 2 of a two-part series.As the US sends more troops to Afghanistan to try to reverse...Gopal, Anand
On Saturday, The New York Times reported that United States intelligence had found that a Russian unit offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants to US-led coalition troops in Afghanistan. The report says that the alleged bounties gave incentives to the insurgents to target US forces. This comes...
TheU.S.-led military coalition in Afghanistanhas downplayed the significance of the siege, saying Afghan forces remain firmly in control of the city of Ghazni, but the U.S. has sent military advisers to aid Afghan forces, which have sustained serious losses. Afghan Minister of Defense Tari...
troops and equipment from Afghanistan is complete. Biden said the U.S. military mission in Afghanistan will conclude on Aug. 31. “I would emphasize that the redeployment of the American permanent military presence to the countries neighboring Afghanistan is unacceptable,” Ryabkov said...
TEHRAN, Jan. 16 (MNA) – The Taliban welcomed the downsizing of US troops in Afghanistan, calling it an important step in implementing the Doha agreement. A spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Political Office Mohammad Naeem Wardak, in a tweet, welcomed the downsizing of US troo...
US Troops in Afghanistan Officially the Pentagon says there are about 2,500 American troops serving in Afghanistan as part of an advise-and-assist mission to help Afghan security forces. However, U.S. officials have acknowledged the number is slightly higher as U.S. counterterrorism forces are...
POTUS may extend the deadline for withdrawing U.S. troops from Afghanistan according to reports trickling out of Washington.
Afghans eat grapes near a river at Lashkar Gah in Helmand Province on Monday. WAKIL KOHSAR/AFP Editor's note: Three years on from the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, the Asian country is still suffering the consequences of the failed military operation. However, there is optimism ...
How many troops have been in Afghanistan in the past 20 years? The number has fluctuated quite a bit. President Barack Obama came to office promising to refocus the US military there over Iraq, where Bush also invaded. At times during the Obama administration there were about 100,000 US tro...
There have been about 2,500 US troops in Afghanistan that are openly acknowledged, plus several hundred additional special operations forces. All of them will depart under the President’s orders. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley called the withdrawal “a complex operation ...