Our trademark attorney helps protect your brand with a US trademark application. We perform a trademark search and review your US trademark application before filing the application. File a US trademark with a registered a trademark lawyer.
We Secure Your Registered Trademark in 4 Easy Steps: 1 TRADEMARK APPLICATION When submitting a Federal Trademark Application, the USPTO requires two sets of information: Administrative information about the trademark applicant and descriptive information about the trademark itself. Cohn Legal, PLLC has de...
To further ensure its accuracy and completeness, our licensed attorneys will hand-draft and file your trademark application. A trademark application is a complicated legal document. If the application is not completed properly, the USPTO may refuse the application, or, a third party may later chall...
infringes the copyright, trademark, trade secret, or other intellectual property or proprietary right of others; violates the privacy, publicity, or other rights of third parties; or is discriminatory, defamatory, obscene, threatening, abusive, or hateful, as determined by use in our sole ...
A trademark should always be used as an adjective qualifying a noun that is a generic description of the product or service. The trademark should also be used in a singular form. Example: “Three ThinkPad® notebook computers will be available.” ...
We watch over your trademark application as soon as it is submitted to the USPTO. You may hire us to monitor your trademark and send cease-and-desist letters to infringers. Monitoring is necessary to ensure your trademark is protected. With our comprehensive services, we are a one-stop-shop...
asmaybeprescribedbytheDirector. TheDirectorshallpromulgaterulesprescribingtherequirementsfortheapplicationandfor obtainingafilingdateherein. (b) (1) Apersonwhohasabonafideintention,undercircumstancesshowingthegoodfaithofsuch person,touseatrademarkincommercemayrequestregistrationofitstrademarkonthe principalregisterhereby...
Meet the new Galaxy S24 Ultra smartphone featuring Galaxy AI. Explore the latest AI phone and AI features from Samsung that are setting the new standard of mobile.
–Trademark / Patent U.S. Department of Homeland Security – DHS –Certificate of Naturalization –Certification of Documents – Form G-24 –Certification of Nonexistence of Record United States Coast Guard – USCG –Military Retiree’s Retirement Statement of Monthly Income (RASOMI) ...
How can I check the status of my application? You can check the status of your application using your case number, which you will receive after you file your form with the USCIS. You can check your case states on the USCIS website. To check your case status over the phone, call the ...