unesdoc.unesco.org 鉴于加勒比能源资源不确定,我们有责任确保在必要时有替代资 源和可再生资源可以使用。 unesdoc.unesco.org unesdoc.unesco.org The rise of the digitalageiscertainlyupon us,andfor media world, we can see the effect it has on consumers as they look for more ways to interact with ...
unesdoc.unesco.org Furthermore,almost US$400000hadbeenpaidin cash and in kind as a counterpart contribution for the introduction of [...] multilateralfund.org multilateralfund.org 此外,已为引进一些替 代技术提供了将近 400,000 美元的现金和实物相应捐助。
8 That same year, India joined the UNESCO-initiated Education for All movement, and, in 1992, ratified the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child.Two Supreme Court decisions further catalyzed activism to advance universal education through a constitutional amendment. In a 1992 case brought ...