One commonly-used method to transform the dollar value of income measured in different currencies into a common currency is "purchasing power parity" prices. PPPs are prices that are estimated by comparing the ratios of prices for similar goods and services between countries. The price ratios for...
In dollar terms, holdings of USD-denominated assets at foreign central banks rose to $6.77 trillion in Q1. It’s not that central banks are “dumping” their dollar-assets – in dollar amounts, their dollar-holdings haven’t changed all that much. ...
When looking into the situation, I found that the US already has a huge amount of LNG export capacity approved but not yet under construction. The likely roadblock is the need for debt financing. One obstacle is the need to find investors willing to make very long commitments–as long as 2...
The launches will likely invite comparison with a slew of three-month-old US Bitcoin funds that took Wall Street by storm, garnering $56 billion in assets to date. / ‘Europe could die’: Macron urges stronger defences, economic reforms Michel Rose and Ingrid Melander – ...
demand (and thus prices) for energy products by sending out checks to citizens. We are now seeing that the approach seems to produce inflation rather than more energy production. Also, countries without energy resources of their own may see their currencies fall with respect to ...
The BMO U.S. Dollar Balanced Fund Series F CDN$'s main objective is to achieve a high level of after-tax return, including dividend income and capital gains. Start investing today.
April output according to the EIA’s release is 12,061 kb/d, a drop of 669 kb/d from March. For comparison purposes, the 12,143 kb/d was taken from the late June Monthly Energy Review. It is too high by 82 kb/d. The early June STEO projected April US output of 12,380 kb/d...
“Might as well keep the rig operating and plow the capital into the ground than pay a penalty to the rig owner.” Raymond James analysts shared a similar viewpoint, noting a certain dynamic on the oilservice industry. “Lower returns and crimped cash flow lead operators to slow activity ...