[Photo] US Navy submarine tender Sperry with submarines Tilefish, Brill, Trepang, Jallao, Spot, and Lizardfish, circa late 1945 to early 1946 | World War II Database
Pushing some 25,000 tons at full load, they could make 19 knots, which was faster than a lot of submarines looking to plug them. A decent suite of about 60 AAA guns spread across 5-inch, 40mm, and 20mm fittings could put as much flying lead in the air as a light cruiser of the ...
2. The Bombing of Ellwood Oil Field After the attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941, a small contingent of Japanese submarines was dispatched east to patrol the California coastline. On February 23, 1942, the Japanese submarine I-17 slinked into a channel near Ellwood Oil Field, a large ...
Nevertheless, during the Vietnam War doctors served aboard US Navy submarines as LCDR Lealis Hale MC (SS) USNR, recalls on Quora; ‘Actually Boomers (SSBNs) had physicians on board as a member of the wardroom during the heydays of “41 for Freedom.” I ser...
The little man with the Charlie Chaplin mustache who merely wanted living space for the Germans and could not attack us even if he wanted to is the master of Europe whose submarines are taking pot shots at our East Coast. The little grinning yellow men, the growers of our vegetables, the...
Eight Russian military planes and four navy vessels, including two submarines, have come close to Alaska in the past week as Russia and Chinaconducted joint military drills. None of the planes breached U.S. airspace and a Pentagon spokesperson said Tuesday there w...
The complete history of the United States' nuclear-powered Los Angeles class attack submarines. This illustrated book covers the complete history of the United States' Los Angeles class attack submarines, from initial design and construction, through tes
Anti-submarine warfare (ASW) has had a high priority in the United States since the Second World War. The onset of the Cold War and the USSR's ambitious post-war submarine building programme – which gave it about 450–550 submarines in the mid-1950s – reinforced Western fears of ...
The Commandos series’ first appearance in amodern 3D Engine: rotate the environment 360 degrees, move seamlessly in and out of buildings, submarines, planes and underwater, and zoom in and out of the environment. Authentic WWII scenarios: 10 missions spanning 9 different environments in night an...
The AUKUS pact is a trilateral defense agreement forged under President Joe Biden between the U.S., U.K. and Australia to develop and share technology for nuclear-powered submarines. The pact has strong bipartisan backing, although some Republican critics argue the Biden administration hasn't gon...