nuclear ballistic missile-capable submarines to South Korea were one of several agreements reached by the two countries' presidents in April in response to North Korea's expanding nuclear threat. They also agreed to establish a bilateral Nuclear Consultative Group and expand mi...
international arms-control experts have estimated that Australia's eight planned nuclear submarines will need a total of 1.6 to 2 tonnes of weapons-grade HEU, which would be sufficient to build as many as 64 to 80 nuclear weapons.
It was reported that Australia has recently signed a cooperation agreement with the United States and the UK on nuclear-powered submarines that will enable the three countries to exchange nuclear-related material and information. When asked to comment on the signing of agreement, spokesperson Lin Jia...
“Attack submarines are big deal, and they send a big message,” said Vipin Narang, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor who studies the use of nuclear weapons and delivery systems among major powers. “This would be hard to imagine five years ago, and it would have been impossi...
Britain, the United States, and Australia say they will jointly develop hypersonic weapons via the trilateral security alliance, known as AUKUS. In a joint statement, the three countries' leaders say they are pleased with the progress of the program for nuclear-powered submarines for Au...
NUCLEAR weaponsCOMPARATIVE literatureNATIONAL securityIn 2021, Australia, the United States, and the United Kingdom announced the formation of a security partnership. Hence, Australia and Brazil could become states without nuclear weapons but with nuclear-powered submarines. The ob...
An arrangement for Australia to acquire the submarineswas announced on Monday as the leaders met in California. While the subs will be powered with nuclear material, they will be armed with conventional - not nuclear - weapons. Additionally, beginning in the...
However, the Pentagon estimates that Beijing will by 2030 double its arsenal of operational warheads from more than 500 last year. Other experts put the number at about 440. The People’s Liberation Army can also now launch nuclear weapons from submarines as well as aircraft, road-mobile vehicl...
smallerscalethanpossiblewiththeSSGNs); •covertoffensiveanddefensiveminewarfare; •anti-submarinewarfare(ASW);and •anti-surfacewarfare,orASuW(i.e.,attackingsurfaceships). Thetechnical(includingacoustic)superiorityofU.S.Navynuclear-poweredsubmarinesis ...
WASHINGTON-A Navy nuclear engineer with access to military secrets has been charged withtrying to pass information about the design of American nuclear-powered submarinesto someone he thought was a representative of a foreign government but who turned out to be an undercover FBI agent, the Justice...