——被忽略的Revising US Grand Strategy Toward China报告 中美贸易战,意外抑或不意外地,成为了搅动2018年国际经济的头等大事。所谓意外,对于国内媒体来说,年初的主旋律还是“核心“、”全面脱贫“什么的,那时候压根没想贸易战如此来势汹汹,美国如此不依不饶;而对国外市场来说,虽对贸易战关注和担忧要比国内早(大...
Minding the Gaps: US Military Strategy toward ChinaGROSSMAN, DEREKMEYERS, JOHN SPEEDStrategic Studies Quarterly
Revising_US_Grand_Strategy_toward_China 热度: TOWARD A US-CHINA 热度: PIIE-美国对华经济制裁的兴起 The rise of US economic sanctions on China - Analysis of a new PIIE dataset 热度: 76 外交评论 2010年第5期 高尚涛,外交学院国际关系研究所副教授,北京对外交流与外事管理研究基地研究员(北京100037)...
What remains distressing to Africa is the fact that both the US Strategy Toward Sub-Saharan Africa as well as the US National Security Strategy are premised on the counterproductive and senseless approach by the US of posi...
China have successively become the core logic of the US strategy toward China. To be more specific, in the first phase, the logic of the US strategy toward China focused on using China to gain advantage over the the Soviet Union. In the 1980s, China was once considered a “friendly non...
administration released its latest National Security Strategy targeting China while still demanding Beijing’s assistance against North Korea. Although the administration’s technique was maladroit, the document raised important questions about future U.S. policy toward the People’s Republi...
The Belt and Road Initiative, part of China's grand strategy, is an important factor that propels the US perception of China as being a "growing threat" (Blumenthal 2018; Rolland 2017). This essay analyzes how the Belt and Road Initiative influences US competitive strategy toward China and ...
"The purpose of the strategy is to basically join the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean into one theater and thereafter try to find ways to encircle China using the countries on the periphery," he said. Because of the "containment" and "encirclement", to some extent, money gets diverted ...
However, the increasingly complex China-US relations remain the top reason for concern and uncertainty. The current US national strategy toward China labeled it a "strategic competitor", the survey noted. "As the US-China relationship is changing in fundamental ways, companies genera...
New Threat Perceptions, Domestic Political Changes and India's Shifting Strategy toward the U.S.-China Rivalry India, under the Narendra Modi government, has shown a noticeable change in its approach toward the U.S.-China rivalry that requires a fresh evaluation... R Kumar - 《Korean Journal...