港交所(00388.HK)倫敦辦事處開幕 9月7日,港交所(00388.HK)表示,很高興與歐洲客戶和其他貴賓一同慶祝其倫敦辦事處正式開幕,進一步拓展集團的國際網絡。港交所集團行政總裁歐冠升與高級管理團隊在歐洲時間9月6日晚上于倫敦市舉行的酒會上接待了... 公司報道 1年前 (2023-09-07) 0 34 港交所(00388.HK)...
區塊鏈(英語:blockchain或block chain)是藉由密碼學與共識機制等技術建立與儲存龐大交易資料區塊串鏈的點對點網路系統。 每一個區塊包含了前一個區塊的加密雜湊、相應時間戳記以及交易資料(通常用默克爾樹(Merkle tree)演算法計算的雜湊值表示),這樣的設計使得區塊
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asian benchmarks mostly rise in subdued trading on us jobs worries business news news home stock market today: asian benchmarks mostly rise in subdued trading on us jobs worries asian shares are mostly higher in cautious trading after wall street drifted to a quiet ...
What’s new on the DOW Jones, S&P 500, Nasdaq today? Start your stock market research with a daily market activity summary, including today’s stock market information and prices.
The company said it would seek a listing on the main market of the London Stock Exchange and would publish a registration document later today. Raspberry Pi began trading in 2012 and had since sold more than 60mn single-board computers and computer modules, it said. It sold 7.4mn units last...
NEW YORK (AP) — The bear came close to Wall Street but then backed off. The stock market’s slump this year briefly pulled the S&P 500 into what's known as a bear market Friday, before a late rally put the index in the green. The prevailing sentiment among investors remains negative...
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