On the federal level, marijuana remains illegal. But the most recent poll from Gallup on the subject found that 68% of U.S. adults think marijuana should be legal, a percentage tied for the record high. Over the past decade, 19 U.S. states, Washington, D.C., and Guam have legalized...
Millions of people in the U.S. report using marijuana daily or nearly every day, and those people now outnumber those who say they are daily or nearly-daily drinkers of alcohol.
PHOENIX (AP/CBS4) —Immigration authorities on Friday said that anyone with any involvement with marijuana, regardless of whether it's legal in the state where they live, can be denied citizenship because the drug is still illegal under federal law. The announcement comes weeks after officials i...
The US Supreme Court voted six-three that medical use of marijuana was illegal in a vote last week, despite laws in 11 states that permit its use. The court ruling puts the federal government at odds with many in the scientific establishment and with public opinion. The decision is unlikely...
Washington state adult-use cannabis generates huge impacts, but the tax burden is high. (2022). Marijuana Business Daily. [34] Cannabis & Kratom: What’s The Difference? Can They Be Mixed?Kratom.org [35] Nina Julia Nina created CFAH.org following the birth of her second child. She was...
We want to be able to evaluate the claims that marijuana is therapeutically beneficial. Doblin suggests that successful therapies derived from marijuana are most likely to emerge outside the United States, in countries where licensed growers can provide the plant at relatively low cost and in high...
State-by-state recreational marijuana laws. Accessed December 5, 2022. https://marijuana.procon.org/legal-recreational-marijuana-states-and-dc/ 9. Han B, Compton WM, Blanco C, Jones CM. Trends in and correlates of medical marijuana use among adults in the United States. ...
*According to the Marijuana Policy Project, these states have also decriminalized cannabis, reducing or removing jail time for possession of limited amounts of weed. **Currently facing court challenges States that have (almost) nothing The remaining states do not permit broad medical or recreational...
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — At a state briefing on environmental rules that await growers entering California's soon-to-be-legal marijuana trade, organic farmers Ulysses Anthony, Tracy Sullivan and Adam Mernit listened intently, eager to make their humble
Weed is illegal for medical or recreational use. The Gem State is one of the few still enforcing outdated weed policies. Even possession of small amounts could land you a misdemeanor. Is Weed Legal in Illinois? Indeed, the use of marijuana for medical purposes as well as for recreational pu...