Search by State If you would prefer to search area codes by state, just enter the state below. Listed By State Alabama205,251,256,334,659,938 Alaska907 Arizona480,520,602,623,928 Arkansas327,479,501,870 California209,213,279,310,323,341,350,369,408,415,424,442,510,530,559,562,619...
A list of the US States and their area in square miles, in ranked order. See which states are the largest and which are the smallest.
Calling the UK from the US? This step-by-step guide shows you how to call anywhere in the United Kingdom from the United States.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Tuesday announced additional measures to protect federally threatened or endangered (listed) species and thei... US EPA releases draft biological evaluations for bicyclopyrone and benzovindiflupyr effects on endangered species ...
Townships are technically county subdivisions and often act more like a county than a city/town. However, in the Northeast many townships are functionally equivalent to cities. Therefore, we include townships in the following states: ME, VT, NH, MA, RI, CT, NJ, NY, PA. If a place is...
PAD-US是美国官方的国家清单,其中包括专门用于保护生物多样性和其他自然、娱乐和文化用途的美国陆地和海洋保护区,并通过法律或其他有效手段对这些区域进行管理。该数据库分为4个独立的表格资产:指定、地役权、收费和公告。 指定"资产包括预计与收费土地重叠的区域,包括 "荒野区 "等指定、租约、协议以及保护机制(类别...
county_weights A JSON dictionary listing all county_fips and their weights (by area) associated with the zip code. imprecise TRUE if the lat/lng has been geolocated using the city (rare). military TRUE if the zip code is used by the US Military (lat/lng not available). timezone The ...
Some states in the US have passed state specific privacy laws. This page supplements our Privacy Policy by explaining your privacy rights if you are a resident in one of these states, provides certain mandated disclosures about our treatment of personal information, and includes: Colorado, Connectic...
1. North American republic containing 50 states - 48 conterminous states in North America plus Alaska in northwest North America and the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean; achieved independence in 1776 词组搭配 one of us a person recognized as an accepted member of a particular group, typical...
The western United States is one of Earth’s most tectonically active regions, characterized by extensive crustal deformation through intraplate earthquakes and geodetic motion. Such intracontinental deformation is usually ascribed to plate boundary forc