JP 美国太空军士兵分享了他为美国太空军执行任务的经历、他接触过的外星人、前往月球、土星和木星的任务、拜访蚂蚁外星人和地球内部外星文明。 JP US SPACE FORCE SOLDIER [JP的更新] 古老的地下城堡,有金色、北欧外星人和灰色外星人。 美国太空军的最新任务。SSP UFO UAP greek mayan ...
7月 4 日,JP 被送往他目前服役的军事基地的医疗机构,另外三名士兵在预定地点将他接走。这些士兵是秘密太空任务的老兵,他们对 JP 不屑一顾,因为 JP 没有参加过同样的训练,他们不认识他。他们质问他为什么在那里,为什么派他们来接他。 JP 和士兵到达医疗机构后,他们接
美国太空军 US Space Force 第一仗居然败给了Netflix的美剧 《Space Force 太空部队 》。前不久美国太空军起诉Netflix关于"Space Force"的商标版权,美国太空军只在美国国内注册了此商标,而Netflix早在2019年初在欧洲、澳洲、墨西哥等国家注册了此商标。商标版权争议主要集中在服装商品销售权方面,美国专利商标局对此...
Man in Space - US Air Force Manned Space ProjectThis company has long been known for creating some of the most comprehensive DVDs of human space flight achievements covering Mercury, Gemini and Apollo as well as Skylab, the X-15 and numerous Shuttle missions. They have a comprehensive archive...
US Space Force Top Posts HAPS platform builders Aalto, Sceye, Skydweller & Stratospheric Platforms: 2025 is go-to-market year Squaring the circle: Globalstar doubts satellite-to-cell broadband business, but is building a $1.5-billion constellation for Apple...
Space Corps Starship Troopers: 2. Star Trek Spoof: 3. Space Force Dream Team: 4.Ricky and Morty: 5.Spaceballs: 6.Face Hugger: 7.Pepe The Astronaut: 8.Starship Trooper Desire: 9 .Space Tariff Cartoon : 10.Air Force/Star Wars:
Pointing to growing threats and competition from Russia and China, the White House on Thursday announced ambitious plans to create the U.S. Space Force as a sixth, separate military warfighting service by 2020.
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Space Force has completed upgrades to the Global Position System’s ground segment that will allow it to partially use a new military GPS signal known as M-code, the service announced Aug. 6. While the newanti-spoofing, anti-jamming, encrypted M-code signalh...
A SpaceX Falcon 9 launches the USSF-124 mission for the U.S. Space Force on Feb. 14, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. EST (2230 GMT). (Image credit: SpaceX via X) Today's mission was the seventh launch and landing for this particular booster, according to a SpaceX mission description. We do...
P1[JP更新]SSP(秘密太空计划)JP探索拥有灭绝植物的古代生物圈,美国太空部队内部人士透露 US space force UFO Alien NASA 27:48 P2[JP更新]SSP(秘密太空计划)JP探索拥有灭绝植物的古代生物圈,美国太空部队内部人士透露 US space force UFO Alien NASA 29:20 P1[JP更新]美国太空军测试土星任务. US space force...