Russia launched the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine in the early hours of Thursday morning, after months of positioning hundreds of thousands of soldiers along its shared border and demanding that NATO agree never to admit Ukraine to the alliance. In Moscow, around 1,000 protesters rall...
foreign policy official warned Russia against using the alleged drone attackto escalate the Kremlin’s war in Ukraine. “This is what worries us: this can be used to justify more conscription of people, more soldiers, more attacks on Ukraine,”saidJosep Borrell to reporters Thursday in Brussels...
The US Is Sending 200 Soldiers To Ukraine For Military Exercises As The Conflict With Russia RagesRichard Sisk
One of the main international stories outside Ukraine today has been developments in Syria, where rebels have burst forth to mount the swiftest battlefield advance by either side since a rebellion against President Bashar al Assad descended into civil war 13 years ago. Assad's regime is widely ...
The Russian president said the current situation on the battlefield should also be taken into account in any talks. British troops could deploy to Ukraine to train soldiers, defence secretary suggests UK troops could be deployed to Ukraine to train...
testimonyfor example helpedmanufacture consent for the Gulf Warwhen a 15 year-old girl who turned out to be a coached plant falsely told the US Congressional Human Rights Caucus that she’d witnessed Iraqi soldiers taking babies out of incubators in Kuwait and leaving them on the floor to die...
Amid a buildup of Russian soldiers along the country’s border with Ukraine, US defense spending is once again back in focus. Just weeks ago, the Biden administration proposed a fiscal 2022 Pentagon budget of $715 billion.That’s a 1.6% increase from 2021’s $704 billion, but as the Wal...
Russia has added as many as 7,000 troops near the Ukraine border in recent days, contrary to claims by President Vladimir Putin that troops would be pulled back from the region.
Some airlines have canceled flights to the capital of Ukraine and troops there have unloaded fresh shipments of weapons from NATO members.
The Russian president said the current situation on the battlefield should also be taken into account in any talks. 12:30:01 British troops could deploy to Ukraine to train soldiers, defence secretary suggests UK troops could be deployed to Ukraine to ...