Its unfortunate effects are seen every day in the Senate's dependence on unanimous-consent agreements and the perverse practice of holds.Since before the Civil War, Senate floor action on major legislation has been governed by formal unanimous consent agreements. In the modern Senate, the majority...
WASHINGTON, D.C. (CBS) ---New Jersey Senator Cory Booker gave remarks on the US Senate floor on Monday in an effort to underscore the importance of marriage equality. In just two weeks, the US Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on whether the US ...
Frank has said the audit provision in the House is likely to be revisited as legislation comes up for floor action. Dodd has said his proposal is a starting point for debate.
In layman’s terms, an AI just does not create content as a human would, nor with the originality of one, and therefore generated works are not copyright-worthy. “Based on the record before it, the Office concludes that the images generated by Midjourney contained within the Work are not...
Google Share on Facebook Thesaurus Wikipedia ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. US Congress- the legislature of the United States government Congress,U.S. Congress,United States Congress U.S. Senate,United States Senate,US Senate,Senate- the upper house of th...
“Here’s what I promise to never to do: I promise to never incite a riot on Capitol Hill, I promise to never stand up on the floor of the Senate after I’ve been driven from it by a bunch of rioters and lie about our election in Pennsylvania,” he said. Considering that kind of...
Senate House Campaign Administration Regulation Media Briefing Room Latino 12:30 Report Coronavirus Report Floor Action In The Know more Policy Defense Energy & Environment Health Care Technology International Transportation Cybersecurity National Security Sustainability More ...
The Senate bill now proceeds to a rules committee. Backers in the House would either have to persuade one lawmaker to switch his or her vote or offer the bill as an amendment on the House floor. The proposal has two options. Under one proposal, taxpayers would help pay for a site-neu...
We will continue to make sure that resolutions that are important to your people are on the floor so that not only the people of the United States but that your people know who stands with them and who doesn't. We will continue to shine a light on that hate and I know we will do ...
Senate House Campaign Administration Regulation Media Briefing Room Latino 12:30 Report Coronavirus Report Floor Action In The Know more Policy Defense Energy & Environment Health Care Technology International Transportation Cybersecurity National Security Sustainability More ...