Speaking from South Africa, another political analyst Ricky Mukonza said the recent extension of sanctions against Zimbabwe by the West was largely symbolic. "Nothing is going to change because of this extension. Studies on sanctions in Zimbabwe have demonstrated how they are ineffective as far as ...
The nature, characteristics, and impact of the sanctions point to the sanctions being comprehensive rather than targeted, as their impact is felt more by the innocent Zimbabwean public than by the targeted political individuals. It is argued in this article t...
Contrary to US government assertions, those sanctions inflict collateral damage way beyond the individuals and entities included in the OFAC list. This impacts negatively upon every Zimbabwean.”– ZBC Share this: Share Like this: Loading......
The Vice President argued that these sanctions have also hindered the functioning of public institutions, service delivery, and essential infrastructure, thereby undermining the right to development for the people of Zimbabwe and impeding the achievement of sustainable development goals. He stressed that t...
sanctions on Zimbabwe if it began enacting political and economic reforms, he said. In a message for Zimbabwe's political leaders, he said: "Our position has always been that if they engage in the constitutional reforms, economic and political reforms, and move forward to protecting political ...
The United States, European Union and United Kingdom vigorously pushed back on charges by President Emmerson Mnangagwa that sanctions are behind the economic collapse and the general poverty in the country. Zimbabwe has set aside October 25 as an ‘Anti-
HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) — Zimbabwe’s defense minister has described the coronavirus as God’s way of punishing the United States and other western countries for imposing sanctions on Zimbabwe, prompting the president to issue a statement Monday restating
“If you look at this infrastructure, you cannot think this country is under sanctions. We will continue to develop our country; a country is built by its owners, and that is what we are doing.” Zimbabwe has been under Western sanctions for the past 20 years over the deteriorating human...
Source:Zim dangles minerals to US in sanctions fight– The Zimbabwe Independent TATIRA ZWINOIRA THE Zimbabwe government is dangling rare earth elements (REE) to the United States (US) in a desperate move to influence the lifting of sanctions, as the country’s economy goes on a tailspin, ...
Overview of US sanctions laws and regulations June 6, 2022 The US continues to use economic sanctions as an important foreign policy tool. US sanctions laws and regulations have become increasingly complex and can change with little to no warning in response to world events and evolving natio...