The time between elections and the inauguration in the US is called the "lame duck period." A president becomes a lame duck after a successor is elected, during which the outgoing and incoming presidents usually transition power.
US State Histories US Early Histories US Presidents (POTUS) US History Overview America's history is not static. It's fluid. It changes, grows, becomes richer, and more complex when any individual interacts with it.
Kerry stopped in Toledo en route to Wisconsin for the rest of the night. He was flying home to Boston to vote and await a verdict that no one could foretell with confidence. The policy-laden speeches were finished and so, for the most part, were the character assaults that flew from bo...
Presidents on Coins:check out all the presidents on united states money coins. Which president on Cent Coin or one Penny?Abe (Abraham) Lincoln.Presidents on Dollar Billsis all about presidents on paper money. What is a coin?It's an object made of metal, it's usually a circle, and it'...
The other names derive from European languages:sixcome from English, Of the fifty states,elevenwere named in honor of an individual. There are multiple possible etymologies forsixstates (Arizona, Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Oregon, and Rhode Island). ...
he bolted with his supporters and formed the Progressive Party. In one particularly shocking moment of this wild campaign season, a fanatic shot Roosevelt in the chest during an event in Wisconsin; the self-proclaimed “Bull Moose” actually finished delivering his speech after taking the bullet....
Hillary –“We had all our presidents come into office looking so vigorous. Think about what they looked like on inauguration day and then we watch them. They grow grayer and grayer and by the time they leave they’re as white as the building they live in. Now let me tell you I am ...
Vice presidents play only a ceremonial role in the the counting of Electoral College votes, and any attempt to interfere in the count would have represented a profound break from precedent and democratic norms. Pence, in his remarks Friday, describ...
Mother of PresidentsSouth Atlantic WashingtonWA7,705,28171,298OlympiaSeattleEvergreen StatePacific West VirginiaWV1,793,71624,230CharlestonCharlestonMountain StateSouth Atlantic WisconsinWI5,893,71865,496MadisonMilwaukeeBadger StateEast North Central
Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin – known as swing states because they swing between Democratic and Republican candidates – play a critical role in determining which candidate wins the Electoral College, the vehicle that picks U.S. presidents. ...