Presidents' Day Monday, February 21, 2022 Washington's Birthday, or Presidents' Day, honors the life and work of the first president of the United States, George Washington. Daisy Gatson Bates Day Monday, February 21, 2022 Daisy Gatson Bates Day is a state holiday in Arkansas, the United ...
Over 8,000 ballots in Pennsylvania were cast by people whose names and dates of birth match individuals who died in 2020 and prior to the election. Think of that. Dead people, lots of dead people, thousands. And some dead people actually requested an application. That bothers m...
But then we have The Fool. The Fool is the most numinous, powerful card in the deck. The most hopeful, or the most terrifying. He represents possibility, potential, the infinite. He is the gateway of Number Zero. In mundane terms he represents an offer, a whole new start, a birth- o...
It's not my scampish streak, it's our current societal conditions and the very real prospect that subtle plutonian forces of infiltration have been and are working to take over our country to an even greater extent than they already have (exs: 9/11/01; the 'Patriot' Act; death-dealing...
Two Democrats whose politics were widely disparate, Senator Ralph Yarborough and Governor John Connally, were engaged in a quarrel that would finish with the death of Texas liberalism and the birth of the Republican party in the state. But perhaps Kennedy could hold the state for the Democrats...
There, there is a concentration of power among super-elites and control over government — and its monopoly on the use of force — that still forcibly compels people to accept diktats from the top or risk death. That’s about as serious as it gets. But it will not have the power to...
Our barn has a tradition of naming all new animals each year around a theme. We’ve used presidents, flowers, and Disney characters in the past but for 2016 we chose “Famous Musicians”. Sitting outside the barn two days after her birth we watched her attempt to take her first few ste...
and WW3. I believe soon America will be invaded and destroyed and the people left over to be held captive to the will of the AntiChrist or face death (Revelation 20:4). Please be ready now as a true Christian so that you m...
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