Alert Alert New Webpage for Pinays A new webpage added will honor the role of the womenfolk during the war. Although, the Pilipinas were not drafted by the United States military, nevertheless they bore the burden of the war equally with the...
The Baltic Sea was the scene of maritime battles, laying of mines during WW2. Additionally, areas of it were used as a dumping ground for obsolete, damaged, or expired munitions & chemicals. This was widely carried out following the end of both world wars. “It is estimated that the Balti...
-The genocide of European Jews during ww2- The us helped liberate concentration camps at the end of ww2, only finding out about the Holocaust at the end of the war Homeland Security Government department that was set up to prevent and respond to terrorist attacks Iraq Invasion of Kuwait In ...
Tojo Leader of Japan during ww2 Axis powers in ww2 Germany, Italy, france, japan Allied powers during ww2 Soviet union, US, england Abraham lincoln Was the president of the US during the civil war Jefferson davis The president of the confederacy Clara barton Founded the red cross Robert E. ...
Fox is what it is, the pres is under no more obligation to assist them than he is to assist any other partisan news source. He is, I think, giving them the same treatment that he would give National Review or the Weekly Standard. Or that a GOP pollie would give to The American Pros...