Open Skills Job titles, skills and related jobs data No No Unknown Reed Job board aggregator apiKey Yes Unknown The Muse Job board and company profiles apiKey Yes Unknown Upwork Freelance job board and management system OAuth Yes Unknown USAJOBS US government job board apiKey Yes Unknown What...
From you. We collect personal information that you provide to us when you sign up for an account, contact us, make a purchase, enter a sweepstakes or contest, or apply for a job with us. From your device, including through: Cookies. We automatically collect information using "cookies." Co...
Obviously, that’s necessary in order to edit well It’s not as though an editor (or an agent, or an agency screener) can plop herself down and read a book like any other reader; it’s our job to be alive to every detail. I like to think of myself as the book’s advocate, tr...
union jobs so workers have a say in what goes on, jobs that have strong protections against discrimination. A job you could make a career, do useful work, take pride in it, earn promotions, and be respected for what you do.
DETROIT (FOX 2) - Projections for the US Postal Service are not good - analysts say it could run out of money by September. Postal employees are fearful the US Government won't step in to help, and USPS could eventually be privately owned. Around the country Tuesd...
Identifiers A real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, account name, Social Security number, driver’s license number, passport number, or other similar identifiers. You; Your Employer To provide the services; marketing...
The poor economy has driven people towards military service when they can’t find a job in the civilian sector. This raises the average qualification level of applicants. The Air Force is currently the smallest it has been since its inception. Multiple major cutbacks have been made over the ...
Craig Crosby, Publisher The Counterfeit Report® Big Business Counterfeiting is now the largest criminal enterprise in the world and is forecast to grow to$4.5 trillionand cost5.4 million net job lossesin 2022. Counterfeit products account for 2% of all world economic output and 10% of goods ...
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