When you purchase U.S. Polo Assn., you own a piece of the sport of polo. We are the only brand that is officially part of the United States Polo Association. Learn about the brand, the sport, and our place in history as you discover all that U.S. Polo As
Event attendees were met with daily themes for the three-day polo event, which started with International Day on Friday, with the USA facing England to kick off the action-packed weekend. After hard-fought chukkers, the score ended up tied at 5-5, transitioning the game to a...
U.S.POLO ASSN.(美国马球协会)公元两千年前在亚洲的草原上,游牧民族的武士最先以团队的形式骑马比赛抢夺猎物。公元1800英国的茶叶商人在印度目睹了此游牧民族的比赛进而开始参与,至公元1850年英国的骑兵对开始设立马球的规范,直至公元1870年马球运动遂正式在英国诞生了。公元1876年一位美国著名喜欢冒险的...
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2024 Townsend Cup: USA wins January 8, 2025 Spring USPA Commitee May 15, 2024 USPA Announces Dates & Line-Up for Highly Anticipated U.S. Open Arena Polo Championship December 14, 2023 Intercollegiate (IC) / Interscholastic (IS) The U.S. Polo Assn. awarded Scholarships ...
2.3. Molecular Characterization The Wizard genomic DNA purification kit (Promega, Madison, WI, USA) was used for genomic DNA extraction, according to the manufacturer's instructions. Amplification and sequencing of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2) as well as the D1/D2 variable...