Welcoming students from 70 countries, Indonesian President Megawati Sukarnoputri kicked off the 33rd International Physics Olympiad in Nusa Dua, Bali, in July, by saying that the event “can be a positive means for increasing people's attention, understanding, and mastery of basic science....
Reports on the impressive performance of the United States team in the 1995 International Physics Olympiad in Canberra, Australia. Number of participating countries; Second overall rating of the US team; US gold medalists; Potential impact of the competition on all physics students.Cioffi...
Discusses ranking of American students at the XXV International Physics Olympiad at Beijing, China. Details of winners Andrew Frey, Daniel Schepler and Andrew Neitzke; Special mention of Geoffrey Park; Details of Chinese and German teams; Specifics of tour and exams; Mention of special medals ...
Romanians outdo US and Soviets in physics olympiad.Highlights the International Physics Olympiad in Jena, East Germany. Performance of team Romania; Winners of the competition; Interaction between Soviet and American students.SweetWilliamPhysics Today...
Reports on the US gold medal winner, Steven Gubser of Denver, Colorado, of the XX International Physics Olympiad held in Poland in July. Reference to the fact that Gubser also earned the highest point total at the Olympiad. The competition; Team members.Janowski...