In a seat sliding device, an upper rail slidably moveable relative a lower rail interlocks with the lower rail upon movement of the upper rail away from the lower rail. An upwardly inclined portion and a downwardly inclined portion can be provided on the
Google Agrees to Patent Terms in US FTC Case; Unfair Search Results Probe ClosedAmid concerns that Google Inc's alleged exclusionary practices "could stifle competition in the markets for popular devices ... as well as the market for online search advertising," the technology behemoth will change...
Arendi alleged that Google's mobile devices and apps including Gmail, Chrome, Docs and Messages infringed. It asked the court for $45.5 million in damages, according to a spokesperson for Google's law firm Paul Hastings. The jury determined that Google did not infringe Arendi's patent and a...
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for Space Affairs, Minister’s Secretariat of the Cabinet Office. In this role oversaw the revision of Japan’s Basic Plan for Space Policy and the formulation of the Space Activities Law and the Satellite Remote Sensing Law. In 2016, he was appointed Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office....
operators and wireless tower companies. We are looking for Accelerator partners or commercial partners who may be interested to take the incubated ideas to the next step. In all cases we ensure that there is a patent portfolio behind the technology. The significant advantages of NxGen’s model ...
KeepCup Pty Ltd is the owner of all intellectual property including copyright attaching to KeepCups and has registered the KeepCup design under international Design Registration numbers 324241 and 334106 trademarks “KeepCup” and has patent applications pending. KeepCup Pty Ltd has , , licensed ...
US / EU / FDA / JECFA / FEMA / FLAVIS / Scholar / Patent Information: Google Scholar:Search Google Books:Search Google Scholar: with word "volatile"Search Google Scholar: with word "flavor"Search Google Scholar: with word "odor"Search ...
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Google has been violating a ban on importing products that utilize Sonos patents, U.S. Customs and Border Protection has found.