May infringe any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other intellectual or proprietary right of any party. In particular, content that promotes an illegal or unauthorised copy of another’s copyrighted work, such as providing pirated computer programs or links to them, providing information...
I am currently working on a DSpace Angular project (v7.6.2) and need an experienced Angular developer to integrate a client-side PDF viewer. Key Requirements: - Integrate ngx-extended-pdf-viewer with the Angular project. - Ensure the inline PDF viewer has the features: Search within PDF,Do...
Design Patent– Preparation and filing of US design patent applications How to do a Patent Search How to Document your Invention Looking for a Trademark Lawyer Patent Attorney Trademark Search. Trademark a Name, Trademark Logo, Business Name, Trademark Slogan at USPTO ...
Syed Law is a US trademark attorney representing clients from all 50 States the USPTO on online trademark filing and registration.
Well, earlier this year the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) recently published Apple’s patent application which describes a new technology to be integrated with bendable displays. It talks about a new method on how to use tiny metal components in a way that prevents them from breaking...
December 31, 1935— C. B. Darrow received a patent for hisMonopolygame December 31, 1958— We sawThe Crawling Eyewhich was originally entitledThe Trollenberg Terror. December 31, 1958—The Strange World Of Planet Xpremiered. December 31, 1961—The Phantom Planetpremiered. ...
(d) infringes any patent, trademark, copyright or other proprietary rights; (e) deceives or misleads the addressee about the origin of the message or knowingly and intentionally communicates any misinformation or information which is patently false and untrue or misleading in nature or, in respect...
PatentAPIDescriptionAuthHTTPSCORS EPO European patent search system api OAuth Yes Unknown PatentsView API is intended to explore and visualize trends/patterns across the US innovation landscape No Yes Unknown TIPO Taiwan patent search system api apiKey Yes Unknown USPTO USA patent api services No Yes...
Premium Honeycomb Memory Foam provides durable patent pending support Independently verified to maintain thickness, ...See More Details Learn More See Less Compare Kensington SoleMassage Exercising Footrest Save $7.3610% off Est Value $73.58 $66.22 ...
Patentable Power Supply Innovation 6 days left No chatgpt. Only genuine and trustworthy. The deeper and detailed the idea is, the better amount you will get. We will work more if yourresearchskills are good. Broad areas are: 1. Power converters 2. LLMs for power electronics 3. Advanced ...