US Pacific policyChinaIndo-Pacific Strategydevelopment assistanceConcern about China's growing power is prompting the US to propose unprecedented spending in the Pacific Islands region. This article examines why and how the US seeks to advance engagement and explores implications for island nations. It...
The United States is the sole superpower of the present-day world. Its “return” or “rebalancing” to the Asia-Pacific is also an all-round, comprehensive strategy. Its adjustments in military deployment, active participation in multilateral organizations in the Asia-Pacific (particularly the ASEA...
There can’t really be just one Indo-Pacific strategy The US has many challenges to its relationships in the Asia-Pacific region; horrific wars, outright colonialism, environmental destruction, and covert meddling in politics are just a few of the reasons Asian and Pacific nations have to distrus...
Manila has become a willing bridgehead in the US' "Indo-Pacific" strategy, which is aimed at containing China by sowing the seeds of discord and confrontation in the region. The US' disruptive antics run counter to the...
Measures taken by the US and some of its NATO allies such as the United Kingdom and Canada in their so-called "Indo-Pacific strategy" are creating instability in the region, including leading Japan and South Korea on a path of militarism, with more frequent joint drills, the analysts said....
The Pivot to Asia strategy has fostered rashness on the part of several Southeast Asian countries, especially over the Huangyan Island event instigated by the Philippines in 2012 and the South China Sea arbitration case that was commenced unilaterally by Manila in Jan. 2013. ...
including breaking DOC rules and bilateral and multilateral agreements, with the aim of using the resulting chaos to push forward its "Indo-Pacific" strategy. Washington has even sent military aircraft and warships to survey the area in the name of honoring the promises it has made in the US-...
美軍在「跳島戰術(Island hopping strategy)」架構內,時任「美國陸軍遠東區總司令(Commander in Chief of U.S. Army Forces Far East)」之陸軍上將麥克阿瑟將軍主張攻擊菲律賓,跳過台灣,攻擊琉球,再攻入日本本土,時任「美國太平洋艦隊總司令(Commander in Chief of U.S. Pacific Fleet)」之海軍上將尼米茲將軍,主張...
Measures taken by the US and some of its NATO allies such as the United Kingdom and Canada in their so-called "Indo-Pacific strategy" are creating instability in the region, including leading Japan and South Korea on a path of militarism, with more frequent joint drills, the analysts said...
region. The Asia-Pacific, as seen by Beijing, is not a battleground for geopolitical contests but a region for cooperation and development. This view is totally different from the strategy of forming alliances and blocs, which, according to China, only serves to heighten tensions and create ...