New Underwater Nuclear Threats Against the U.S. Only Drones Can Save the Modern Aircraft Carrier How Prepared Is the U.S. Navy for War with China? China Is Secretly Building a Strange, New Sub What We Know About India’s Secret New Submarine ...
Well, with Holy Loch long gone and the sub force still in need of some quiet out-of-the-way places to make occasionally needed pit stops on the surface, Iceland has become a friend indeed. Since April 2023, six SSNs– important to the Icelandic government nuclear-powered but not “offici...
Theyfired missiles at the island's cliffsfrom ships and submarines to test their weapons, setting off large quantities ofnuclear TNTnear the shore to simulate the effects of a nuclear blast on nearby ships. Since Native Hawaiians viewed the island as sacred, they considered the milit...
they feared it might be a nuclear attack from U.S. submarines. After all, it was similar in speed and flight pattern to a missile. It reached an altitude of903 miles, separating into several sections as it flew, inthe same waywarheads ...
Nuclear power has its place. In the ocean, powering submarines in my book. Radioactive waste is bad stuff. Given time, there are very few of natures elements it will not turn literally, to dust. And if it is compressed to save store space for example, it gets hotter, both in tempera...
including space for two helicopters (eventually likely ASW variants of theZ-18) in its rear hangar and an expanded flight deck size. The ship will also likely use towed and variable depth sonar for hunting submarines, and will have its own torpedoes and rocket assisted torpe...
“Suburbia…is a manifestation of such fundamental characteristics of American society as conspicuous consumption, a reliance upon the private automobile, upward mobility, the separation of the family nuclear units, the widening division between work and leisure, and the tendency toward racial and ...
Although I guess those could have been nuclear powered leaf blowers. I’d really enjoy having one of those. ALSO, what’s with the Leafblower Dads label? Sexism, much? Are they implying women like to rake, or that women don’t care about leaf removal? That’s stereotyping and sex-role...
Anything that weakens China short of all out hot war (which would be a nuclear catastrophe)is good as far as I’m concerned I want vengeance for Covid 19. We must win Cold War number 2. Containment, economic tariffs should be the name of the game. And Taiwan should be free. It’s...