More than 1 million homes and businesses in Louisiana and Mississippi - including all of New Orleans - were left without power after the storm made landfall on Sunday. The damage was so substantial that officials have warned it could be weeks before the
I see now where the different condensate estimate comes from, I used 7.3 barrels per tonne and most news outlets use 7.33 barrels per tonne, the higher estimate gives higher C plus C output and then when we subtract the MOMR estimate for crude we are left with a higher condensate estimate...
DAYTON, Ohio (AP) — Federal marshals arrested an Ohio man Thursday who was accused of running toward and yelling at an MSNBC journalist who was doing a live report by a Mississippi beach after Hurricane Ida. Benjamin Dagley, 54, of Wooster, Ohio, was sought by police in Gul...
As for the law on fake news, I can say that an information war is going on in Russia today and citizens from Ukraine + Russian and their supporters overwhelm all information channels with untrue news, therefore such a law was adopted, you can be sure that no one who wrote the truth, n...
Hurricane Ida led to suspension of operations and facility damages to major grain elevators in that region of the US. It has been two weeks past, only a few number of grain elevators resumed loading over Sept. 9-10, and the rest of them were still waiting for power r...
Some 17.5 million barrels of oil have been lost to the market to date, with shutdowns expected to continue for weeks. Ida could reduce total U.S. production by as much as 30 million barrels this year, according to energy analysts.
28, when they flew on hastily arranged charter flights as Hurricane Ida approached Louisiana's coast as a powerful Category 4 Hurricane that ultimately inflicted widespread damage to homes and knocked out power to the entire New Orleans area for days. The Saints had to cancel their final ...