2025USnews美国法学排名:第1 耶鲁大学法学院常年在USNews榜单中霸占第一宝座,主要基于它在法学领域常年的学术积累。 当然耶鲁法学院也有自己的趣事情,(Yale Law School, YLS)的简称被调侃为“Yale is Law School”,就好像耶鲁才是唯一的法学院一样。这种戏称源于耶鲁法学院在法学界的地位以及它强大的校友网络。这...
乔治城大学在这项指标中有着最高的平均专项排名,该校在法律诊所(Clinical Training)项目中排名第1,在税法(Tax Law)和刑法(Criminal Law)项目中分列第3和第4位。此外,乔治城在国际法(International Law)、医疗健康法(Health Care Law)、知识产权法(Intellectual Property Law)和法律写作(Legal Writing)项目中也都进入...
北卡罗来纳大学法学院(University of North Carolina School of Law,简称 UNC School of Law)建立于1845年,附属于北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校,地处美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山。该学院在US News发布的2024最佳法学院排名中被评为第20名,在美国公立大学法学排名第8,它培养了大量顶尖律师。 美国公立大学法学专业排名美国...
Wake Forest Law School ranks 25, down three spots from last year’s ranking.Yale Law and Stanford Law, with acceptance rates of about 6% and about 7%, respectively, are ranked the hardest law schools to get into, followed by Harvard Law, the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School and...
耶鲁法学院院长希瑟·K·格肯(Heather K. Gerken)也指出,US News的排名方法“不仅未能推动法律职业的发展,反而阻碍了进步”。这一决定引发了其他法学院的跟随,导致US News在2024年法学院排名的发布被无限期推迟。 具体来说,影响排名的法学院包括: 哈佛大学法学院(Harvard Law School)...
begins with selecting the right school. the top law schools can lead you to the courtroom, the halls of government and beyond. discover which schools earned a top spot in the 2023-2024 u.s. news best law schools rankings. see the full methodology for how law schools were ranked here . ...
’ metric for Vanderbilt is lower, affecting our ranking.)3、US news只关心穷匮的学生的表现(...
U.S. News' overhauled ranking formula uses 19 measures of academic quality to asses schools. It also dropped five factors that affected a college's ranking: class size; faculty with terminal degrees; alumni giving; high school class standing; and the proportion of graduates who borrow federal ...
See the US News ranking for the top universities in the world. The Best Global Universities list includes schools from the USA, Canada, Asia, Europe and more.