Find the Best High School for your student at U.S. News. See school rankings, school data and advice to help you make the best decision - get started!
Explore the highest-ranked high schools. The best public high schools can help students nurture their passions and reach their college or career aspirations. U.S. News reviewed public schools in all 50 states and the District of Columbia for the 2024 Best High Schools rankings, which includes ...
Here are Alabama’s top 25 high schools, counting down to number one. An asterisk (*) indicates the school is new to U.S. News’ top 25 ranking for 2022. Enrollment figures and spending are from the Alabama State Department of Education for the 2022-23 school year. Rankings of all...
USNEWS的学校排名,分为针对美国国内的教育机构和美国之外的“global”教育机构,其中最受人关注的莫过于对美国国内学校的排名,共分为4种: 大学排名(college rankings); 研究生院排名(graduate school rankings); 高中排名(high school rankings); 在线高等教育排名(online college rankings); ...
2019年US News High School Rankings于近日放榜,《美国新闻与世界报道》对全美超过2万3000所公立高中的进行调查,给出了其中1万7000所的评分,将南卡罗来纳州的一所学校评为“全美最好高中”。 图片来源于网络 而这次的评选标准包括:大学准备程度、阅读和数学熟练程度、阅读和数学表现、教育资源不足的学生表现、大学...
2019年US News High School Rankings于近日放榜,共有11所位于纽约市的公立高中挤入了前100名,皇后区的3所高中位于其中,法拉盛区域内的Townsend Harris High School,更是高居榜首。 #1Townsend Harris High School(皇后区Flushing) #2Stuyvesant High School(...
According to the newUS News & World Report Best High Schoolsrankings, Wellesley High School this year is ranked #26 out of over 300 public high schools in the state of Massachusetts, up two slots from 2020. In 2019, WHS took the #19 spot. ...
►除了扩大的全美高中排名,US News还发布了各州所有符合条件的公立高中排名、最佳特许学校排名和最佳磁石学校排名。 全美最佳高中 1 Academic Magnet High School Academic Magnet High School在全美范围的高中、南卡罗莱纳的高中、磁力高中排名中均位列第一。
To be on the list, a school must be currently designated by the U.S. Department of Education as an HBCU. To qualify for the U.S. News rankings, an HBCU also must be an undergraduate baccalaureate-granting institution that enrolls primarily first-year, first-time students and must be a...