Cities that score well on U.S. News' annual ranking of best cities get high marks for economic criteria like value and job market.
位于明尼阿波利斯的大学有: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities明尼苏达大学双子城分校 07San Francisco, California 加州大学伯克利分校 (图源:网络) 旧金山是北加州与旧金山湾区的核心都市,也是文化,商业和金融中心。当地住有很多艺术家、作家和演员,在20世纪及21世纪初一直是美国嬉皮士文化和近代自由主义、进步主义的...
《U.S. News and World Report》(简称U.S.News),中文是《美国新闻和世界报导》,是美国著名的综合性报道评论周刊,1948年由《美国新闻》和《世界报道》两种杂志合并而成。USNEWS对美国的大学的排名开始于1983年,1985年以后每年更新一...
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USNEWS评出美国十佳就业圣地——The10BestCitiestoFindaJob[复制链接] While the U.S. unemployment slowly creeps downward, some cities are weathering the storm admirably well. Using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Internet job aggregator, U.S. News has compiled a list of th...
While the U.S. unemployment slowly creeps downward, some cities are weathering the storm admirably well. Using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Internet job aggregator, U.S. News has compiled a list of the 10 cities where job-seekers might have the best luck. These ...
Two cities in California’s Bay Area –San Jose and San Francisco– fell out of U.S. News’ top ten this year. The former dropped to 13, while the latter hit 45, according to the report. Market Futures DOW JONES FUTURES (I:DJI) ...
U.S. News的排名综合考虑了包括录取率、师生比例、学生标化成绩、研究数量、就业情况等在内的多种因素。 U.S. News是学生家长较为重视与借鉴的排名榜单,但由于近年来排名丑闻、退榜风波的缠身,也让该排名的公正性得到了不断的质疑。 美国Top法学院纷纷退出U....