人工智能(Artificial Intelligence) 和计算机科学的整体排名不同,在人工智能专业上,第1名和第2名调换了位置,分别是CMU和MIT。 斯坦福排名第3,UCB位列第4。康奈尔大学、佐治亚理工和华盛顿大学携手超到了并列第5。 UIUC则跌到了第8,得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校则跌到了第10。而之前排名不在前10的密歇根大学,挤掉了各路...
此外,在学科领域的排名中,也增加了4个学科领域的排名,总共有47个学科排名。 这4个增加的学科分别是:人工智能(Artificial intelligence),教育和教育研究(Education and educational research),气象学与大气科学(Meteorology and atmospheric sciences),以及水资源(Water resources)。 今年排名的参考指标以及相应权重与往年相...
美国计算机研究生主要专业方向分为人工智能(Artificial Intelligence),编程语言(Programming Language),计算机系统(Systems)以及计算机理论(Theory)这四个部分,每个部分也有很多的细分研究方向。 目前国内学生申请美国计算机科学研究生研究生包括但不限于以下方向:计算机系统、信息安全、软件工程、人工智能、计算机视觉、机器学习...
The information technology sector continually evolves, driven by rapid technological advancements. Businesses and consumers alike benefit from the integration of cutting-edge solutions that streamline processes and improve security. Artificial intelligence … Read more Categories Tech Leave a comment ...
“Brand Finance's latest findings highlight the transforming power of artificial intelligence across industries. While AI generates significant buzz and positively impacts brand value, its full potential is still unfolding, presenting brands with a promising opportunity. ...
Artificial intelligence: 5th (ranked in 2019) Genetics/Genomics/Bioinformatics: 5th (ranked in 2019) Computer science (overall): Tie for 6th (ranked in 2019) Programming language: 6th (ranked in 2019) Systems: 6th (ranked in 2019) Nonprofit management: 6th ...
Artificial Intelligence normalized citation impact #65 Artificial Intelligence total citations #123 Artificial Intelligence number of publications that are among the 10% most cited #57 Artificial Intelligence percentage of total publications that are among the 10% most cited #62 Artificial Intelligence inte...
Artificial Intelligence normalized citation impact #83 Artificial Intelligence total citations #38 Artificial Intelligence number of publications that are among the 10% most cited #62 Artificial Intelligence percentage of total publications that are among the 10% most cited #101 Artificial Intelligence inte...
Artificial Intelligence Arts and Humanities Biology and Biochemistry Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems Cell Biology Chemical Engineering Chemistry Civil Engineering Clinical Medicine Computer Science Condensed Matter Physics Ecology Economics and Business Education and Educational...
申请专业:Artificial Intelligence MSc 查看院校 进入案例 申请人员:刘同学 申请院校:纽卡斯尔大学 申请专业:Human Geography Research MA 查看院校 进入案例 申请人员:游同学 申请院校:马来西亚理科大学 申请专业:Master of Economics Management 查看院校 进入案例 申请人员:陈同学 申请院校:香港理工大学 申请专业...