The US Navy is scheduled to lose all four of its Ohio-class SSGN in the coming years. The move to finally retire the four guided missile submarines has been long anticipated, but it is now only two years away according to the Navy’s recently issued 30-yearshipbuilding plan. The firs...
2019 年 12 月 2 日,美国海军宣布订购 9 艘新型弗吉尼亚级潜艇——8 艘 Block V 和 1 艘 Block IV——合同总价为 220 亿美元,并可选择购买第 10 艘潜艇。Block V潜艇的长度从377英尺增加到460英尺,排水量从7,800吨增加到10,200吨。 Submarines in Block IV configuration : Vermont (SSN 792) – Comm...
moregeneral-purposeinorientation),SSGNscanperformothersubmarinemissionsandaresometimesincludedin countsoftheprojectedtotalnumberofNavyattacksubmarines.TheNavy’sSSGNsarediscussedinCRSReport RS21007,NavyTridentSubmarineConversion(SSGN)Program:BackgroundandIssuesforCongress,byRonald ORourke. 4ForanaccountofcertainU.S...