Rear Adm. William Greene, who is in charge of surface ship maintenance, said the Navy surged technicians and parts to its Forward Deployed Regional Maintenance Center — which covers work in Naples, Italy; Rota, Spain; and Manama, Bahrain — after Hamas militants attacked Israel on Oct. 7....
A Chinese naval force was mobilized to track the USS Gabrielle Giffords during the operation, according to a statement from the People's Liberation Army Southern Theater. The U.S. Navy's 7th Fleet said the ship "was conducting routine operations in international wate...
In the second major provocation byChina'smilitary in the span of a week, a Chinese warship carried out what the U.S. military called "an unsafe maritime interaction" when it crossed an American warship's bow at a distance of 150 yards forcing the U.S. Navy destroyer to take evasive man...
Mobile has long had a “Mardi Gras Ship” tradition with the Navy and Coast Guard, where a transiting surface warfare asset or cutter stops in and ties up downtown by the Civic Center across from Austal for the week of Mardi Gras. The crews participate in the dozen assorted local parades ...
US Navy ship to sail the Pacific on a humanitarian mission
system aboard small ship platforms. The receive system's R- 2557A/URC receiver operates over the full LF, MF and HF frequency range from 10 kHz to 30 MHz. Other features include: up to 49 receive circuits; passive antennas, which require no electronics topside; and an atmospheric noise-lim...
But as the Navy wanted to preserve the ship so it could potentially be reactivated if necessary, care was taken to make the process reversible. Continue reading “How To Properly Patch Your Iowa-Class Battleship” → Posted in Engineering, HistoryTagged battleship, museum, US Navy, wwii ...
她叫USS Nathan James,没错,她就是那艘“Ship”。身小体娇的导弹驱逐舰,虽然有个爷们儿的名字。正在装卸雪地摩托的女一号就要去北极锻炼队伍+科学考察啦。船舱内,霸道舰长Tom Chandler首遇女二,在套词失败后离去。 镜头又一转。四个月后的北极,冻成狗的船员们在完成训练任务后以为就能回家野了,全舰一派欢乐...
A U.S. Navy ship navigated near the Venezuelan coast on Tuesday in what the U.S. military's Southern Command called a "freedom of navigation operation," a day after a cargo ship from U.S. foe Iran docked at a port of the South American country. ...
SUEZ, Egypt-Count the U.S. Navy among those thrilled the Suez Canal is once again open for business. The USS Dwight D. Eisenhower passed through the canal on Friday on its way to the Red Sea, which wouldn’t have been possible a week ago. ...